Lacey and Ethan

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Lacey rolled over in bed and flipped the alarm clock switch off to stop the noisy buzzing it had been producing for the past minute and a half. Lacey groaned as she stretched awake, remembering today was her English test. As her brain started to process her surroundings she heard the faint tinkling of the rain drops falling, brump pump pum, on her window. Rain, she thought, maybe it will be a good day. 

Lacey slowly got out of bed and as she glanced at the time she speed through her morning routine in time with the rain outside. She loved the pitter patter of the rain, somehow to her it always felt like friends tapping away wanting to say hi, and the thought made her feel less alone. 

As Lacey took a final look into the mirror as she threw on a gray beanie over yesterday’s curls and pulled her blue wool jacket out of the closet. This will have to do, she thought. Before she headed downstairs for a quick bite she went over to her desk and flipped her prayer list to the next index card. At the top was a name, and on the lines below specific prayer requests for the person. Lacey’s heart squeezed as she saw Mom, written on the top, and below, that she’d come home, that she’s safe, that you would look out for her Lord. Lacey blinked away tears as she began silently praying. Almost ten years after her mother left and the pain was still as real as the day it happened. But still Lacey prayed faithfully, trusting that God had a plan for her life.  

Lacey finished her prayers though her heart was still heavy and stomped down the stairs in her boots and headed into the kitchen for a quick snack. Her eyes were searching the clock when her dad walked in behind her. “Morning Lace,” He said, his coffee cup in his hands, glasses slipping down his nose. 

“Hey Daddy. How are things at the office?” Lacey asked as she pulled a yogurt out of the refrigerator.

He sat in the seat next to her at the table and rubbed his temples, his fingers brushing the bottom of his salt and pepper colored hair. “Good I guess. Very buried in paperwork so I had to bring some home but after I drop them off at the office in an hour or so then I’ll get my day off to enjoy with my favorite girl.” 

Lacey smiled but didn’t reply between mouthfuls. Finishing her breakfast she kissed her dad and grabbed her keys and backpack on her way out. “Love you, see you after school.” 

“Drive safe!” He called after her just before the front door shut. As Lacey braced for the rain she slipped her jacket on and briefly dug through her bag to verify that her English notes were in here, and not on her desk. Lacey was startled as the car pulled in next store loudly. But when she looked up it was only her friend Ethan pulling in. He stepped out of the car in his hoodie and waved her direction. 

“Hi Lacey, good morning. Enjoying the rain?” He called in his friendly way.

  Lacey stood up and leaned on her porch railing, calling back through the storm to him, “Yes! Of course. How can I not?” 

“Strange girl!” He yelled back through the wind. His tone was teasing and Lacey smiled at his reference to their inside joke.

 She had grown up next to Ethan and the day after they moved in Lacey remembered playing in her yard, drawing with chalk on the driveway. She had over heard Ethan’s mom tell him to go play with her. He had protested. “But mom, she’s a girl. A s-s-s-strange girl.” He said nervously as his words becoming jumbled and his childhood stutter appearing. 

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