You move away a bit, sitting back up, and Tom looks up with worry on his face.

"You alright?" Tom asks.

You nod, "yeah, I just wanna have you."

That doesn't really even make sense to you, and maybe you're getting to the part of the night where you're starting to not really say anything comprehendible. Regardless Tom sits up fully, his lips glistening under the faint street lights coming in from the window. Smirking you wipe at his mouth with your hand, which in turn makes him laugh a bit.

Your hands run up his thighs, which are surprisingly not as hairy as you thought they'd be, your fingernails scratching his skin a bit at his hips as you pull at his underwear. Tom moves with you, so you can get them off, and you note that he's gone a little soft. Moving closer into his space you kiss at his shoulder, featherlight kisses, meanwhile your hand wraps around him simply letting him feel the warmth of your hand.

Tom tenses up, his mouth pressing against your temple as his hand weaves into your hair.

"You're gonna need—" Tom says breathily.

You nod and grab the small bottle abandoned on the bed, "I know."

Once you have a bit of lube in your hand, warming it a bit, you take him back in your hand. Your thumb rubs across the tip a few times before you start to jerk him off. You find yourself loving the sweet little noises he makes and how relaxed he becomes. It's not that hard to see how much trust he's putting in you in this moment.

As you move to give him the same treatment as he gave you, you're stopped, and you look at him with a confused expression.

Tom shakes his head and grabs the condom, taking it out of the package.

"Tom I wanna—"

"Tonight is about you, it's alright love," Tom says while covering himself with the condom.

You bit your lip in anticipation, your body feeling boiling hot in this moment. Both you and Tom move around before figuring it all out. Given how sloppy your moments have become you end up on your back with Tom hovering above you with your legs wrapped around his waist. His hand moves between you two, spreading you as he pushes in.

"Fucking hell," Tom hisses, head falling a bit as he continues to push in until your hips are flush.

You arch a bit, a soft moan leaving you as adjust to the feeling. It's been way too long. Your hands grip the pillow under your head as Tom starts to move, thrusting in an out. The sound of skin to skin echoes through the room, and you don't hold yourself back seeing as it's just you two in the house at the moment.

Your nails scratch at his shoulders and back as he kisses you again. Every nerve inside you feels like a livewire, your skin is too hot and sweaty, but somehow it all works. More than anything you need to find release, and you start to reach between you both to get yourself off. Except Tom's hand grabs yours and holds it above you again along with the other, his free one doing it for you.

"Holy—" you gasp, surprised at how fast he took control.

His fingers rub at your clit in time with his thrusts and your eyes roll back, overwhelmed by every single sense. You feel yourself shake and begin to lose yourself, your stomach flexing as your orgasm crashing through you. Your body snaps like a rubber band, your hips fluttering and head falling back rather violently. Tom's hot breath puffs across your exposed neck, still thrusting, faster than before, chasing his own orgasm.

You hold him close when he finally finds his release, both of you panting, letting yourselves enjoy the touch. His head rests against your chest as your hands run through his sweaty wet hair. After a moment you squirm a bit, tapping Tom's shoulder.

"You have to pull out and move," you say bluntly, "I have to pee before I pass out."

Tom laughs then, full bodied and brilliant, "sorry darling."

With that the two of you separate and you make the quick walk to his bathroom, shutting the door behind you.

"You know we just had sex," Tom calls from the bedroom, "I think peeing with the door open is not that big of a deal."

You cackle, returning to the door, "are you serious?"

Tom, now lounging lazily on the bed shrugs, "are you?"

"I didn't even ask the know what, fine, just for you I'll pee with the door open you freak," you relent playfully, leaving the door wide open.

After a moment Tom speaks up again, "I don't hear anything Y/N."

"Fuck off, it's a little nerve wracking will someone listening," you huff.

"Try takin' a piss in the men's toilet then," Tom jokes and you laugh.

When you finish up and wash your hands, you walk back to the dark bedroom. You contemplate putting on a shirt, and eventually you go against it, still pretty warm. Tom looks at you with a dopey look on his drunken face, hair all matted, looking so perfectly loveable.

You feel your heart start to race again.

Tom pats the bed beside him, "you like to cuddle right?"

"Yeah," you nod and hop up onto the bed, rolling over dramatically until you're next to Tom. He chuckles sleepily, clearly amused by your antics. The two of you flop around for a moment before you finally end up in a position that's good for both of you.

He's on his back and you're curled up at his side, head tucked just under his chin, your leg half thrown across his body as he holds you tight.

"Was it a good birthday?" Tom asks through a yawn.

"Mm-hmm, very satisfying," you giggle, kissing his collar bone, "'night Tom."

You get a kiss to your forehead in return, "'night love."

The Only Exception - {TOM HOLLAND}Where stories live. Discover now