"You guys want to use the AUX?" The driver asks, holding up the cord.

"Oh yes! I have the perfect song," Gina smirks and takes the cord, plugging it into her phone before scrolling furiously to find the right song. Just as the driver turns down the street 50 Cent's In Da Club starts playing, and you can't help but laugh into the palms of your hands.

The group starts awkwardly rapping along and dancing to the lyrics, and thankfully the Uber driver is into it and wishing you a happy birthday as well. It makes the drive to the club fun and energizing, which is what you'll need considering how tired you've been lately. Ezra's been more and more energetic than usual and keeping up with him is truly a full body workout.

You can't remember the last time you were up past 9:30.

The suburbs and rows of housing slowly bleeds into a thriving city scape as you head to the right district. The deeper into London you get the more populated it gets and before you know it the six of you are scrambling out of the car into a crowded street.

"Happy Birthday!" The driver bids you with a wave.

"I'm tipping him so much right now," Jacob says as he fiddles on his phone.

"Save some for the drinks mate," Tom teases, clasping Jacob's shoulder.

Harrison points forward, and begins walking towards the club's entrance, "onward! We have a birthday to celebrate!"

You can't wipe the smile off your face as you all walk into the club just down the street, it smells like too much perfume and body spray and alcohol, but it's fitting. The music is just loud enough to boost the environment but not make conversation an issue. Somehow Tom managed to snag a private booth area, which you're lead to by one of the club's employees.

It's intimate, there is even a curtain to give separation from the general club area. The velvet booth upholstery is lavish to the touch and the overhead chandelier that makes the table sparkle is breathtaking.

"This is insane," you gasp and sit down.

"You like it?" Tom asks, sitting next to you.

"Uh I love it, this is going to be a very good birthday," you say with a smile.

"First round of drinks!" Ruby cheers and does a little drum roll on her knees as a platter of shots come out, and it's two per person. It's the warm up round before you'll probably get a specialty drink or something, but you're already cringing at the hard alcohol in front of you.

"You gonna manage?" Gina asks.

"Manage what?" Harrison asks.

You roll your eyes, "I am shit at shots."

"Dude," Jacob gasps with a big smile, "me too!"

You give him a sympathy high five, earning laughs from the others.

"Just down it babe," Gina encourages you.

Tom chuckles, "I'll be right here if you start choking."

"I'm not gonna choke asshole," you tease and grab both of your shots.

He sends you a wink and you melt a little inside.

Everyone else grabs their shots as well, one in each hand, and on the count of three all of you do them back to back. The biting liquid stings as it goes down and you hate how it burns your nose a bit, but as soon as it hits your stomach it warms you beautifully. Still you stick your tongue out, biting it slightly for a moment, until the wave of disgust passes you.

"Good job held it down like a champ," Harrison grins.

You tip your head at him and put your glasses back onto the tray.

The Only Exception - {TOM HOLLAND}Where stories live. Discover now