"Alright," he nods, finishing off his plate before rinsing it and putting it in the drying rack, "I'll just go get ready then."

"Sounds good," you agree, watching as he vanishes down the hall.

You clean up the rest of the kitchen, making sure it's clean from breakfast before venturing off to find Ezra. The boy is sprawled on the floor, playing on his iPad, with Tessa curled up next to him. You approach and sit beside him, watching him play his coloring book app. Of course, it's a bit odd; you grew up using actual coloring books and crayons, but if he likes this you're not going to stop him.

"Are monkeys purple?" Ezra asks, looking up at you through thick lashes.

"No, they're usually black or brown. You can color the monkey purple if you want," you say.

Ezra taps the purple color and with confidence in his taps he makes the monkey purple.

"You do it too," he says and points to the tree.

You tap the brown and color the trunk of the tree in, and you alternate the leaves with a light and a dark green. Ezra of course stops you to add a few orange and pink leaves into the mix, but it's his own personal flare and it's adorable.

The two of you keep coloring for a while, and by the time you hear shoed footsteps approach the front door it's been at least fifteen minutes. Maybe more. Ezra all but abandons his coloring page in favor of getting up and attaching himself to Tom's legs. Tom stands there, dressed for the day with his keys and phone in hand.

"We go out?" Ezra asks and makes a move for his shoes by the door.

"Aye-aye-aye, not today bug," Tom says and bends down to stop Ezra from getting to his shoes, "I have to go do some work stuff. That's why (Y/N) is here, she'll take care of you until I'm back."

You watch as Ezra's joyful mood sours. The whites of his eyes start to redden as tears well up and his lower lip begins to quiver. It makes your heart break, and you can't imagine how Tom feels in this moment.

"No," Ezra pouts.

"Yes, I have to go—"

"No," Ezra says again, this time whining with the words, "I go with you."

The toddler begins to have a meltdown. Tessa gets anxious and moves closer to her two owners to investigate, Tom tries to explain that he'll be back soon, and Ezra is having none of it. The boy is pulling at Tom's shirt and blubbering so loud it's echoing off the walls.

You bypass them both, go down the hall, and walk into Tom's room. It's simplistic, but a bunch of personal touches are everywhere from family photos on his dresser to a threadbare blanket he's had forever that strewn across the bedding. You grab a shirt like the one he's wearing, knowing Ezra has probably wrinkled and distorted the hell out of the one Tom has on.

Walking back, you find Tom standing up, leaning against the front door with Ezra in his arms. The boy's face is smashed into his father's neck, but it does little to muffle his heaving sobs. You hold up the shirt and Tom gives a small nod in return, his eyes telling you to trade that for Ezra. The moment Tom tries to pry his son off it's a whole new round of tears.

"Nuh-uh," Ezra chokes out.

"I'll be back tonight Ez," Tom says, biting the bullet, and finally holding out Ezra for you to take.

The second you have Ezra in your arms it's kicking and screaming and reaching out towards Tom. You watch Tom hesitate, tell Ezra he loves him very much, and finally take the shirt and leave. When the door clicks shut Ezra stops reaching out for Tom but continues further himself into hysterics. You hold him close, rubbing a hand up and down his back to comfort him.

The Only Exception - {TOM HOLLAND}Where stories live. Discover now