Blondie looks at you with a wide nervous look before pulling something out of his desk.

He holds up a deck of playing cards.

"You in?" He asks.

"Really dude?" You scoff before pulling your knees up to your chest and looking away.

All you hear is a sighed "teenagers" and you can't find it in yourself to fight back. Instead you let your silence speak for itself as you settle in to wait for help to home.

Help has to be coming.


Help is not coming.

It's been literal days. The only plus is that your captors have had the decency to feed you and not let you starve. Of course, bathroom trips are awkward, but it's a small price to pay if it means you're allowed to eat. Your bones and muscles are numb from constantly sitting from your cuffed position. The pull over Peter gave you before he left is grimy and starting to smell, but it's a small comfort.

It still smells like his deodorant, and it's one of the only things positive going for you right now.

"It's Friday, right?" You ask Blondie.

"Um, yeah, why?" Blondie asks in return.

You frown and pick at the grime under your fingernails, "it's homecoming tonight. I wanted to go."

Blondie looks a little taken back by your words, and maybe it's how you said them. Regardless he looks saddened. Serves him right; because if they weren't criminals, then Peter would've never gotten on their bad side, and you wouldn't be their prisoner... and then maybe you could've gone to homecoming with your boyfriend like a normal Sophomore.

After that things go quiet like usual; Blondie tinkers, everyone else mills about, and you just sit like a waiting duck.

That is until you hear a car screech within the warehouse. You watch as Feather Guy—Toomes as you've found out—makes his way through the facility with purpose in his step. It puts you on edge and makes you feel like something is going to happen.

"It's a big night Boss," someone says.

Toomes grins, "that it is. Which is why we're scattering. Everyone is going to their designated locations, and we'll rendezvous here in a few days with the load."

You have no idea what he's talking about, but you know that he's probably referring to the alien tech he's using to make his weapons. It makes your stomach churn when people start up and leaving, even Blondie who gives you a nod as he passes by without a second thought.

Waves of unease and panic bubble in your chest as you begin to yank on your handcuffs. Around both your wrists your skin is rubbed raw and bruised from the biting metal. Still you keep yanking until you hear Toomes snap at you to knock it off.

"You'll get out of here if you just calm down, we won't need you after tonight," he says seriously as he works alone at a single table.

You feel yourself begin to heave air to no avail. Your head is throbbing and your vision swims. Toomes is probably going to use his stupidly cool wingsuit to get his space tech, which leaves you here all alone. That thought makes you scared, and the fact you can admit that to yourself makes the fear so much more real.


Oh God.

Your head snaps up to see the source of the familiar voice. It's Peter for sure, and it's definitely a version of Spider-Man, just not the one you know. Peter's in this onesie type thing and his web shooters are ridiculously thick and clunky. You conclude that this is what he probably meant by the suit he had before Mr. Stark helped him out.

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