(Y/n)'s backstory -sorta-

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(Y/n) POV

You hated it. You hated the noise. you hated the pain. You hated their yelling to the point where you couldn't handle it anymore.

Your father hits you for no god damn reason, treats you like a maid, slaps you multiple times, you felt like you couldn't do anything right.

In that night they were at it again, just yelling at each other. You didn't understand what they were yelling about but you didn't like it. In your room you sat in the corner, sobbing lightly into your arms with your knees tucked to your chest. You couldn't block out the sounds even if you tried.

Rain tapped at the window and made somewhat soothing sounds as every drop hit the ground. Your room was dark with only the slight moonlight seeping though the window.

You finally stood up after contemplating whether you should leave or not, you chose yes. Opening the window, the night breeze hit you and it felt nice, you couldn't stand the summer heat in this city.

The house was only one story so it was easy getting in and out through your window. Putting your hood up and over your unkempt (h/c) hair, you walked down the street in the pouring rain. The street lights shone down on your figure as you walked by many little shops, head hung low and your (E/c) eyes locked on the ground. You didn't care about the darkness anymore, you weren't scared of being alone since you already were. Having no friends in that kindergarten made you only feel worse and worse til' it was a common feeling for you.

You always did this on nights when they fought, getting out of the house to clear your mind. What your dad does to you leaves you restless, you couldn't sleep, many tired rings held under your eyes. You kept walking, only getting yourself more soaked and lost.

This night was different. This night you finally told yourself to just run, run away from them. You carried nothing with you since you never got anything useful from them. Thinking of the sweet and peaceful moments you shared with them made you shake. More tears threatened to pour out the more you thought about it. *why couldn't I have a normal life with loving parents..?* you thought, wishing times were different and nights were peaceful, but you knew that would never happen for you.

You kept walking down the city street, lights jumped out at you with blinding glows. You were surprised that not much people were out at this night, not much cars drove by either. Taking a left here and a right there, you knew you were getting lost, but again you didnt care. You wanted to be 'lost', you wanted to belong to no one, everyone just hated you, the memories were painful.

Your body was now cold, almost freezing. You knew you'd catch a cold out here, maybe hypothermia if you stayed out here long enough with the wind now blowing harder. Even tho it was hot during the day in Tokyo, the nights could be cold as ever. Your stomach growled at you, not remembering the last time you ate since you couldn't disturb your parents fighting. Running away was easy but harder than you thought. Who was going to take care of you? who was going to take you in? You haven't planned ahead before you left. Turning around you didn't know where you were, the surroundings didn't ring a bell. "Well... there's no going back now..." you said lightly to yourself, continuing down the sidewalk.

-15-20 minutes later of walking-

The rain started to ease a bit but drops were still coming down. You found yourself walking to a common park you didn't know this city had. Walking through the gates and into the area, you could barely see anything. The only thing you could see were water droplets passing by your (E/c) eyes in front of you. Walking on in the soaking wet grass of the park you came across a tree in the center of the area. You were Shaking violently and your legs were sore from walking so why not take a rest.

Sitting down with your back facing the tree, regrets started to get to your head, shouting at you knowing you did something wrong, it felt bad. Knowing you were lost and no one was there for you now, tears ran down your cheeks. You silently cried, letting the pain out before you. Your cries started to get slightly louder and more violent, someone close by was surly able to hear you, and they did.

You could hear a little boy calling, His voice was being directed to you. "Mom! I see someone! Over there!" Shouted the small voice. A bigger and smaller figure was seen in the distance, slowly making their way to you. You didn't respond, hoping they'd just go away, hoping you were just invisible, it didn't happen. Steps stopping in front of you, a woman with an umbrella had a little boy with ash blond hair and reddish wings in her hand. They both peered down at you.

Looking up, you met the woman's worried gaze. She looked down at your figure, your body was shaking, all wet and freezing cold, your eyes were puffy and black circles held under them. The little boy looked at you with concerned eyes. "Who are you? Are you okay?" He asked, you didn't answer.

The woman put down the umbrella and let go of her sons hand, kneeling down to you, you didn't like how close she was getting.

Her eyes were calm and she looked at you with a little smile. "Hey.. it's okay.. I'm here to help. You must be freezing out here, it's pretty cold" the woman said as calmingly as she could, putting a hand out to touch your arm. Before she could, you flinched to the side, avoiding her hand. She looked at you with surprise. Fear was written all over you as you shook more.

The woman sighed and sat up straight. "What's your name little one?" She asked lightly, hoping to earn your trust.

"(Y-Y/n) you squeaked out with a trembling voice.

"How old are you (Y/n)?" She kept asking.

"S-seven..." you squeaked our more.

The little boy was taking in the information, his eyes stared at you the whole time, he had to admit you looked kinda cute for a seven year old.

"What are you doing out here?" The woman finally asked, you froze. Your (E/c) eyes lowered and stared at the ground in guilt and sadness, you couldn't answer. The woman didn't want to push you so she moved onto the next question. "Are you freezing?" She asked. You nodded your head lightly. "Do you want to come back with me and Hōkusu to warm up?"

The question left you thinking. *should I go? Should I trust a stranger? She has a son of her own.. I'm sure she wouldn't hurt me.. would she?* you finally nodded your head and got up, the woman insisted on taking your freezing cold hand but you refused and kept walking behind the woman and her son. *Hōkusu? Was it?* you thought to yourself, looking at the boy who was probably a year older than you, walking ahead. You stared at his red wings almost the whole time while being walked to a nice blue car parked by the sidewalk.

The woman pulled out her keys, pressing the 'unlock' button. The car lights flickered on and 'click' sound was herd. The woman opened one side of the car and waited for you to climb in, you did just so. Hōkusu climbed in on the other side and put on his seatbelt, turning his gaze to you looking out the window, your chin resting on your hand. The woman got in and started the car, she pulled out and started down the road to where you knew you were going, back to Hōkusu's house.

(A/n- HEY! Thank you for reading this far, imma stop this so I can get on with the first chapter. They are still kids, I will give a sign to know when they get older. Hawks is 1 year older than you but you both will still be in the same class at middle (when I get there) but yeah! Hope you al have a great day!

And hope your enjoying the story so far!! ^w^

~Meant to be~ Hawks x Reader  (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt