Chapter Two

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"You knew I'd get you back" the jock says shoving me inside my locker and locking it shut. I groan taking out my phone and sending a message that says 'S.O.S.' This happens too often.

"One of these days..." My favorite teacher, Ms Katie sighs.

"I'm fine, thanks again" I say stepping out of that locker

"The school board will crack. He can't keep doing this to you"

But he could. His father donates a shitload of money to the school plus he's our star quarterback. "It's fine. Only a few more months and I'm off to college or something of the sorts"

"That doesn't matter, he'll choose a new victim next year, he is only a junior"

I nod following her into her classroom and sitting at the desk, I normally come in here for lunch anyways. We found it easier than her having to retrieve me from odd places around the school. She turns on Nirvana quietly as background noise.

"What are you doing for break?" She asks. She knows about my situation of parents not being home so it's a legitimate question.

"Going over to Dales for the most of it. Although his nephew is there so I don't know"

"Nephew?" He looks up from her salad.

"Yeah. He's about my age, into the same music..."

"Cute?" She finishes for me

"Maybe. Plus he's British"

"Well that doubles the cuteness scale by a thousand."

"Don't forget the fact that he's in a metal band"


"Yeah, I know not really my style but he likes Doors so it's not all bad"

"What happened to you marring Kurt?" She giggles

"Well I can always have a little something something on the side"

"Are you admitting to liking a real live boy that you might actually have a chance with? Hang on I need a photo to remember this moment" she jokes.

"Ha. Ha" I say sarcastically. "And when you say 'chance' you mean 'never in a million years'?"

"Don't sell yourself short kiddo."

I cringe while looking at my hair. "I think I should dye my hair...something fun."

Ms Katie is so sweet she accepts me for who I am. "Totally! Maybe purple?"

I shrug "that's really out there. I kinda like your color"

"My hair is brown" she laughs playing with her thin curls

"Yeah? And? Maybe I'll add some purple streaks"

She shakes her head "For heaven sakes child. Leave your hair. You are so pretty and unique"

The bell rings signaling I had to go to maths. "I'll see you after break. Maybe with new hair, maybe without" I wink back at her

"Better not!" She laughs as I exit the door.


"Frozen Queen" Dale greets

"Gramps, Ben" I nod.

"Heard you were staying for dinner love" Ben winks.

"On Sunday yeah"

"No, tonight too" Dale says

I look at him curiously. What does he have planned? "Rigggghhhtt. I remember now" I smile. I think this is going to be hilarious and would love to see how this plays out.

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