Born With Eternal Darkness

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"he's a boy," the doctor said

the mom took heavy breaths, under her eyes were black bags, she smiled "he so beautiful......"

the baby opens his eyes, the mom's eyes widen "his eyes, they are..." the doctor nodded "yes, he is blind...."

the mom just smiled and hugged him "I dont care...I will always love you....Haru.."

the mom started to close her eyes

"no we're losing her!!" the doctor yelled,

the dad came rushing in seeing his dead wife and crying baby


Years later (age 10)

Haru sad sipping tea with his grand father "the it earl grey?" the grandfather nodded "yes it is"

Haru smiled "it good..."

Haru's grandmother came in "I made lunch, let's go"  Haru carefully stood up and walked to the table, Haru had the whole house memorized in his head, so he only humbled into a little bit of things, after lunch Haru went to his dad's room and played chess

"I win" Haru said, his dad sighed in defeat "you win again Haru"

"dad I have a request"

"what is it Haru?"

"I want to....."

his dad quickly stood up "okay, I understand...pack your bags"

Haru packed necessary things, he used his Keikai Genkai and make noises with his feet to see around, haru is like a bat

, they use noise to look around, Haru found some things and hugged his crying grandma, he felt the warm salty tears on his hair, he hugged his grand father and then father, his father touched his two eye lids

"Haru, never open your eyes, only open them when you have to okay, your eyes are a secret..."

Haru nodded and smiled "bye bye, I will see you again,"

"wait be for you go!" his grand ma cried out, she put a brown bead charm on his head "don't loose this, this is your mom's lucky charm, keep it Haru" Haru smiled and nodded

Haru walked, no clue where he was going, he used his Keikai Genkai seeing all the trees and animals, he felt free, he felt alive, he saw his first stop, off to the village of the mist...


the place was depressing, the homeless was everywhere,  be stopped by and bought some food and quickly left the village, his next stop was the lightning village, he explored new villages, met new people, and new places, he was going to have a great time being a nomad....

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