There was that smirk again, the one Maria was finding so infuriating.

"The key to any mission is correctly assessing one's target." Natasha said, almost like she was giving a lecture as she walked back into Maria's personal space, "Assessing one's surroundings and all the other variables is also important, but the most important thing is to know your target. Study them. Find out what makes them tick. Then you adjust accordingly."

"So, you actually think the best way to approach me is to act like a porn star?" Maria questioned, genuinely amused.

"If I want to fuck you, yes." Natasha said, sounding incredibly casual.

"Is that so?" Maria glared, feeling amused.

"Subtlety is lost on you." Natasha said in a way which had Maria questioning every interaction they had ever had together, before the other woman smirked and added, "You'd be too busy trying not to look at me to notice."

It was Maria's turn again to smirk, "Is that what this is about? The Black Widow is offended not everyone is drooling over her?"

"Just because you're not as obvious doesn't mean you don't do it." Natasha observed, "But I'm more interested in blowing off some steam than what you think of me, and if anyone needs to blow off some steam around here it's you."

"You're saying I need to get laid?" Maria asked in disbelief.

"No." Natasha said, taking a step forward and whispering huskily into Maria's ear, "I'm saying you need to get fucked. You need to get fucked hard and deep until your toes curl and you can't remember your own name."

Maria should have been furious, no one had dared to talk to her like this, and to have it be a lower ranking agent was infuriating and so beyond inappropriate and wrong. But Natasha's tone, where she emphasised certain words, and God help her the words themselves had Maria melting.

Suddenly she was very aware of how their bodies were pressed against each other, Natasha's gloriously rounded tits pressing into her right arm which made Maria want to touch them so bad.

Resisting the urge and trying to get a hold of herself Maria said in a tone more husky than she intended, "I have a rule-"

"About never dating your co-workers, I know, I know." Natasha whispered, trying not to smirk, "But I'm not asking you out, I just want to fuck you so hard your body will tingle every time you think of me."

Maria turned slightly to look at her would be seductress and laugh at how ridiculously forward she was being. To give her a long lecture about professionalism. To yell at her. Scream at her. Or maybe just politely tell her no. That her rule applied to sex too, and she had a feeling Natasha knew that perfectly well. But Maria didn't do any of that. She couldn't find the words, her mouth dry and her body aching to find out if all the stories about The Black Widow's sexual prowess were true.

Ultimately Maria made the mistake of looking down at those big round breasts which were almost pressed against her own, one long look at Natasha's amazing body making up her mind for her.

Looking up again into Natasha's eyes Maria whispered, "Damn you."

With that Maria kissed Natasha, the redhead briefly smirking into the lip lock before eagerly kissing back, the two women becoming lost in the lovers embrace which was anything but gentle. Although as rough as it was from the start it was nothing on what it became, the two spies slamming each other against the walls of the shower as their tongues battled for dominance inside each other's mouths in something which more resembled a fight to the death than a kiss.

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