the begining

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This will be a story I had started doing then stopped and had inspiration to do more, so good luck and i hope you enjoy?~~ ALSO SORRY IF THERE ARE IN ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES, I DID THIS IN A RUSH SINCE I HAVE TO STUDY :p

(This stuff is really important guyyss.)

About (Y/N):

Quirk: Elemental, you can control earth, water, fire and air!

How do you control them?

Earth: You can easily use the 'earth' around you. (later you will learn the ways of bending more earthy materials, such as: lava and metal)

Water: You like water because it is very relaxing/soothing. You have learnt how to manipulate/control water around, for example you can take away water from tree and plants but they will wilt away and die. By using your water element you can as well freeze it and other stuff. You are still trying to learn how to use water to heal, from your grandma (maternal) and mother, but for now it just to heal: bruises, cuts, and pain inside body - if you heal anything bigger it will heal the victim but you will be very weak or you will faint. You think water comes with a price or what you call a curse, you can control blood. Which make you manipulate people from inside the body, stopping and controlling them by your own will.

Fire: Fire is one of your personal faves but sometimes, since you are sometimes quite hotheaded the fire can get out of control but you usually keep it in check. One of the secret tricks your Grandpa has taught you is how to eat fire and use it to give you strength....but that's a secret (:p) You can sort of can control lightning but your grandpa has always said that it's very dangerous. 

Air: You can manipulate air around you and it helps you to "fly" (not really more help you to not fall). Even to take away someones oxygen but lets not talk about that. Air can make you a little air headed (get it?).

Weaknesses: gets veryyy bad motion sickness on cars, buses and planes, faint if you use too much of some elements.

Everyone elses quirk~

Dad: His powers are earth. He can take earth from his surroundings, and he is the best cook in the world. He has taught you how to cook and you are quite good (your friends say infact that it is the best!)

Mom: water and 'mom powers~'. she can. Mom powers is basically - not a quirk - she knows when you are hiding something, knows when you are lying, she has extremley good eye sight, amazing aim (you will learn later)

Brother: Makoto has blue flames and he's very good with computers, hacking etc. He LOVES video games! Both of you tend to fight over petty things but most of the time (all the time) the fights escalate 0-1000!!

Now on with the story!


(Y/N's View)

Blood splattered my vision, my screams slowly died down. My mind is blank. I couldn't feel my self at all, I was numb. When my mind came back into consciousness, the killer was gone only leaving his mark of death, singed on the walls of your room. My grandpa dead on the floor his stomach ripped out. He left a scar of a dragon on my left thigh, what an ass. My pain is indescribable. Like millions of needles in my whole body. The floor starts to fill with blood, i feel like drowning. Just kill me.

I wake up panting from my nightmare, in a cold sweat, sobbing in my bed. That, ladies and gentlemen is how to wake up from a long sleep.

As I crawl away out of my bed. I get up i stare at the that hangs on my white walls. I slip in into my white bathrobe. I walk out of my "dreamland" bedroom and towards the creaky floor boards of the hallway. When I arrive at the narrow hallways, of my temple home, memories flood in my clouded mind of the innocent childhood I once lived all those years ago. I look to my left seeing pictures when I lived in London. I look at my younger self, smiling with a bunch of other girls. That was the day before summer holidays and there was a festival held at my old middle school we were laughing of the oddest thing. I missed the annoying boys too, even though they had a way to always annoy me. But they did seem to cheer me up when things went bad. The picture still makes me all fuzzy and happy inside. In the picture I wore a black jumper tucked in a jeans skirt, my shoes were white vans. My (H/C) hair was out, dancing to the movement of the wind.

I used to live in Japan! We lived right next to my grandparents. We still have the same house....renovated so inside it's a way more modern than it looks in the outside. It was in my grandfathers will that we have this house.

I was 9 years old when we moved to London, I went to a school where students can practice/develop their quirks and everyone was surprised with my American accent, (my old primary school was international). My parents were strict but very loving and always cared about my physical and mental health. In England they put me in many martial art lessons, you see it wasn't because they were pushy.....i had a knack of doing martial arts. I can still remeber my old martial arts studio, it was big and the floors were always clean, in the right corner there were different types of gym equipment, and large windows for sunlight to come through~

My day dream was destroyed, a loud bark came from the end of the halls, a stampede of two, or more coming towards me. I started to run. 'Not again'! I thought, as a sweat appeared on the side of my head. But it was to late the predator has caught it's pray and had devoured it in a bunch of kisses.

"Ah! Nova get off me, your gonna make me all icky" As i say laughing, trying to take the colossal dog off me. It was no use, Nova was to big for her own good. I look at my grandfather clock, squinting to see what time it is. Wait time, time... TIME! I'm gonna be late, I get (barely) Nova off me and rush back into my room to change. I look at myself in the mirror, Wow... I look too proper, the total opposite of me. I change my attire by, opening my top button have my tie a little bit looser then before and open all my buttons from my blazer. Do we really need to look presentable when we will have to learn to kick ass? My answer is no.

I go to the kitchen to make myself breakfast and see my brother sitting on the bar stools. As usual he is watching some other guy playing some lame game (no offense but i prefer to play them instead of watching someone else too show off),  Mom had already made us some breakfast. 

"So (Y/N) how do you feel about going to this new school? You know your grandpa used to work there and learn!" said your mom 

"I think I'm gonna be ok! I mean i did do it in London and that went well right?" you said expecting good enough answer

"Besides the fact you punched that girl straight into the face when she was being rude to everyone and boasting about her 'status'" Makato said obnoxiously

"Well at least I throw a punch" you said mockingly

"I can- " but before you brother could say anything insulting back you're father had just come in and belted at the top of his lungs:

"GOOD BYE MY LOVING FAMILY!" and he had proceeded to give everyone a hug and a kiss.

Now it was time for him to give his so cringey, cheesy, inspiring pep talks:

"I know you guys are a little but afraid and scared that we are in this new country, not really, but you know what I mean right? We are the (last name)! WE ARE STRONG AND MIGHTY! ok i have to go now~ Love you all"

Your dad leaves, with everyone having the same exact facial expressions, nervous and confused.

"Well i have to go or else I'll be late..." you say a little bit dazed

"Oh yes! I hope you have the most eventful day ever! And show your other student how we (last name) kick as!" Your mom said suddenly very energetically.

"Yeah sis you go!" your brother said sarcastically

You playfully punch him in the arm and give him a kiss in a cheek (which he proceed to wipe off in disgust), and your mom pulls you into a rib-breaking bear hug. Before you head off you give your dog Nova one last pat on the head.

Now that you and your family have moved back. You always have the tendency to go down to your cherry blossom tree, well I mean it is the grave of your grandpa! Instead of a tombstone in his will he would have rather be a cherry blossom tree instead of a"old peace of rock". It also gave you the sudden urge to even speak to it, if you had an exciting day that day. In an odd way it gave you reassurance, it made you feel calm. Anyway you began to speak...

"Hey grandpa! I hope you are doing well, you know since you are dead hehe, but i have exciting news! Today is the day I am going to UA High!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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