Part 2

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next morning, you were feeling tired from unpacking last night and didn't get much sleep
you checked up on your phone and saw you got a message from grayson

grayson: morning, how'd you sleep :)
y/n: i'm alright still tired :(
grayson: to make you feel better i think we should meet up
y/n: sure why not
grayson: your house?
y/n: just come already
grayson: ight i'll be there in 5

i got up and changed into something warm and comfy next thing you know i hear the door bell go off. i walked downstairs to the front door and opened the door for grayson. he looked so hot i just stared at him.
"y/n are you there" waving his hands in front of your face.
"yea sorry i just got- distracted" trying not to laugh.
"you're so cute come here" he pulled into a hug.
"wanna just watch a movie in my room we don't really have much to do here ahaha" while you pulled away.
"is that a signal that you wanna cuddle" he said while smirking
"whatever come on" you smiled and closed the door then walked grayson to your room.
"i like your room"
"really? i'm not even done with it yet but thanks" we sat down on my bed and got under the sheets. i put on a random movie on netflix and grayson put his arms around me and we just watched the movie.
half way into the movie grayson was staring at you and you noticed.
"what is it" you looked at him
"nothing.. it's just your so beautiful" he smiled
"you really mean that" you frowned
"yea of course why do you look sad about it" as he put his hands on your cheek
"because no one ever told me that before"
"well now you know" he smiles at you and just looks deep into your eyes

then he just leaned in and kissed you
during the kiss you felt him smile so you did too

"sorry i jus-" as he pulled away
"no i liked it" you smiled at him and went in for another kiss but it was longer this time

you guys just ended up cuddling all night and watching movies back to back.

grayson left at the end of the night and gave you a goodbye kiss


i'm sorry i took forever for another part lmaooo anyways i'll write more later

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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