The Next Olympians

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There was a sickness, a long time ago, that ravaged Ancient Greece.

It killed many people, including some of the Old Gods, those who inhabited Mount Olympus before the Olympians. Another name for these deities were the Titans, and two were lost to the sickness. It, the illness, almost seemed to want change to come to the world. A new era.

Then the wars began, with the Olympian gods toppling the Titans and taking control. The Titans, after they had been beaten, realised that the ones among their own who had once been infected were somehow well again.

The Olympian gods thought that they had beaten the illness, but it had only become dormant, waiting a few millenia before it reared its head again.

This time, perhaps change would come around by a different form, not a war. Maybe the gods would choose their successors this time.


The ideas of places used in this story and Camp Half-Blood are copyrighted to Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy jackson series. Both of them. None of the original main characters (eg. Percy, Annabeth, Luke, Clarrise, Grover etc.) are featured within this text. But this is still fanfiction because I use a couple of Riordan's ideas.

The main characters' names and backstories belong to me, mayennalee, as does the idea for this book. Do not reproduce it in any way or form without written consent of the author. We good? Let's get on with the story.

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