Chapter One

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Chapter One:

        Beep! Beep!  I groan as hear my alarm clock continuously beeping. I throw my hand over the alarm to make it stop. Finally, peace and quiet.

“Shit!” I say jumping out of my bed. I quickly look at the clock it said six thirty, “Fuck” I have to be a work at seven! I ran to my closet and pick out black pear of jeans with a white t-shirt, with a grey scarf. I ran to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put my brown hair in a messy bun.

I ran out of my room and grabbed my leather jacket and black combat boots. I walked to my car as fast as my legs could go.  As I started my car and check the time, seven fifty it said. I pressed the gas petal so hard you could here the engine roar. 

I started to drive so fast of couldn't see throw my window. I saw Starbucks and park right into the parking lot. I ran out of my car and went through the back door as quietly as I could, so I don't get caught. Once I got in I put my apron on.

"You better have a good reason for being late." Said my boss Joe, as he pointed he his short fat finger at me. Joe was short about 5'5 with black hair, and a big round belly that makes him look a couple months pregnant. But other then his terrible looks he has an amazing personality, he is like a father to me. He help me through some hard times because he was my only friend. As you can tell I don't make friends very well.

"I am sorry Joe, I woke up late." I replied, putting on an innocent face. 

"Your lucky I love you like a daughter." I just rolled my eyes playfully, and walk up the front of the store and flipped the closed sign to open.

 Work is a bitch. I have been working for almost the whole day and every person who walks through the door I wanted to choke them to death.

"Look Lady we don't have any tea we ran out this morning" I have been trying to tell this women that we don't have tea for the past five minutes and I was so close to losing my temperature.

"How do you run out of tea? You should have it. What kind of Starbucks is this? A messed up one, that’s for sure." She said while she ran her bright pink nails through her obviously dyed blonde hair.

 Breath Serene, I kept telling myself. I was so close to slapping this bitch across the face. "Look bitch, I told you we have no fucking tea. You either order something else or I will personally kick you out, got it asshole." 

The lady face turned bright red with veins popping out of her neck. I just glared at her to push her over the edge. She just gave me the middle finger and walked away with her heels making more noise then thunder. 

The rest of the day was just annoying as fuck, I can't stand people. I just have this job because I need the money. It’s not cheap living in London. 

About an hour before closing about fifty girls came into screaming a squealing. They all look excited jumping up and down with a huge smile on their face. But after a while there screams got irritating and my ears felt like they were going to bleed.

"Serene! Come in my office!" Joe yelled. I walked into his cramped office, with a fake smile on.

"What’s up?"

"Tell these girls if they don't order anything they have to leave." He said looking annoyed.Thank god, if Joe didn't tell me to kick them out I would have done it myself. I just nodded and left.

I walked over to the girls "Hey!" I screamed to try and get their attention. But none of them listened. Are you fucking kidding me, no one respects a person with a uniform anymore. 

I took a chair and stood on top of it. "Hey!" I screamed louder then before. All the teenagers look up at me with confusion. 

"Look! We are closing in thirty minutes and if your not buying anything get out!" I screamed. They all look up at me with wide eyes, and then most of them left so quickly it made it seem the building was on fire. I got down from the chair and sighed loudly. I went back to the cash register and one of the girls came up to order something.

I Owe You- Harry StylesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt