I can't take the main exit - the loud noise will surely stir Ultron.

But air has to get in somehow, and I need to find out from where. Slowly, I tip-toe further until I reach the main production shaft. The robots work day and night, only stopping to recharge every 72 hours. It has been three days since I began to plan my escape, and once again, the production room is silent.

Metal body parts line each of the long tables, making the shaft look like a dystopian graveyard.

Moving shelves aside and pulling tables away from the wall, I search for anything that will lead outside. Suddenly, I feel it- a cool breeze. I turn my head frantically in search for the source and see a small opening near the top of the cave. I try not to sigh with relief.

I scramble to get to it, standing on a table and using the rough rock face to get my hands and feet in to position. I pull myself up, scaling the rock as silently as possible, the tiny handhold sharp under my fingers. Finally, I begin to pull myself on to the small ledge leading out of the cave. Just as my hand reaches the final lip of the rock, I hear heavy, clanging, footsteps.


I scramble, trying to pull myself up faster; but, after climbing up the entire wall, my arms are aching and blood is seeping from the cuts on my fingers.

His steps get louder and my heart roars in my chest. I swing my leg to reach the final ledge, but fall just short. I almost gasp as my hand slips and small bits of the rock drop on to the floor now twenty feet below. The room is so quiet that the sound of the pieces hitting the ground might as well be as loud as gunshots.

I carefully place my hand back on the rock, the footsteps are now only seconds away. I swing my leg again, using all the force I can muster to latch it on the ledge. The footsteps are rounding the corner just as I fully pull myself up and out of sight. I can feel my heart beating in my throat. Crawling on my hands and knees, I make my way out of the cave. In the pitch black, only the cold nighttime air guides me onward.

After what feels like an hour crawling through mud and more sharp rock, I reach the exit of the passageway. So far, nobody has followed and no alarms echo behind me. I let go of a breath that hadn't noticed I was holding.

Looking up through the trees to the sky, I search for something that could lead me north to the city. The sky is like patchwork through the branches, but I follow the stars and they lead me to a small town just outside of Seoul. I almost cry out in joy when I see a small plane sitting in what must be the town's airport.

Hopping over the fence, I creep towards the plane. It's small- unable to fit more that two people- but it would survive the journey. Silent again, I run to the building, grab as much fuel as I can carry, and put it in the plane. The flight will be long, but I smile as I place the notebook on the passenger seat beside me. My fingers move from memory, twisting wires until the engine juts to life.

The plane soars down the runway and into the air, the night sky enveloping me in darkness.

"New York," I mutter to myself, "here I come."


The flight feel short as my brain turns over the possibilities of what will happen when I touch down in New York. If they believe my story, what will that mean? And if they don't trust me?

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