Slipping into the room, she was pleased to see Taylor exactly where she was mean to be. No matter how many times she saw this, it never stopped giving her a thrill. To see her girlfriend willingly strip herself of everything including her pride and kneel on the rug in the center of the room, offering herself up and placing herself fully in Karlie's hands was a gift she'd have never dared to imagine when they first met. Her snow angel self would never believe this was a regular occurrence.

Grabbing the cloth she'd laid over the doorknob earlier, she walked further into the room. She knew Taylor was probably aware of her exact location with each step, well attuned to the acoustics of the room and Karlie's movements. No doubt her sub could probably search her out blindfolded. Maybe an idea for another time?

Refusing to distract herself, she reached out and grabbed Taylor's hair. Tightening her grip and tugging enough to make her gasp, she firmly guided Taylor's head back, pleased to see the other woman obediently keep her eyes averted. "Good girl."

It never failed to warm her, the way just two words from her could have one of the most powerful women she ever met preening and squirming. For such a simple phrase, the power it held was almost unimaginable.

"Have you enjoyed your birthday, baby?" Karlie asked.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. And you behaved so well." Karlie praised, enjoying the pleased flush it caused, "Mostly, anyway. Don't think I didn't know how you almost gave up the game in the car. I thought for a moment I was going to have to deal with a birthday brat. But you stopped yourself just in time. You decided to listen, didn't you?"

"Yes, Mistress."


"Because I wanted to please you, Mistress."

"Is that the only reason?" Karlie smirked.

Taylor hesitated. She knew her Mistress expected honesty but she wasn't sure if it was the right answer. Pain began to grow along her scalp as her Mistress began to tighten her grip and she knew it didn't matter. What did was answering before her Mistress became displease. "Because I knew you would reward me for it if I did, Mistress."

Karlie let her grip relax, watching the tension in Taylor's body do so as well. "You wanted a reward? Do you think you've earned one, Princess? Do you think you've earned a birthday surprise?"

"Yes, Mistress." Taylor answered hesitantly. She knew she was either going to get the 'entitlement' slapped out of her or she was going to get her birthday surprise. She was pretty sure either way she couldn't lose, but that didn't mean she necessarily wanted the first.

"Hmm," Karlie drew it out, loving to watch Taylor squirm. "Luckily for you, I agree. But it isn't a surprise if you can peek, is it?"

Karlie held up the cloth in her free hand, giving Taylor a moment to register what it was. Blindfolds were usually in the green, but she took nothing for granted. Especially not when she knew on those rare occasions they were just a tad too vulnerable for where her girl was at. Sometime Taylor needed to be able to see Karlie was there and that she'd catch her when she fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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