He knew right away when she stirred that it wasn't morning yet and she was thrashing about in the midst of a nightmare.

            “Mama, no... Don't take me, she needs me... Mama!” once she bolted up, Haytham got up as well to comfort her. She was having a nightmare about her mother... yet, the way she said it, it was almost like she was... a child.

            “I'm here, Miss Milner. Do not worry.” patting her back awkwardly and felt her relax more and fall asleep soundly again.

            In his mind, he couldn't think of her as a little Emily Price, the brat who got away with hitting him because of his views. But his heart, funny thing as he didn't know this chit's lifestory, thought of her as Emily. He will get his answers sometime later as he fell asleep as well.

            Now, the next few weeks went by without Emily waking in the midst of a nightmare, and she had found a smaller cabin for her to sleep in. Haytham didn't object to it as she had no where to go if she wanted to escape. And since she had nothing to change into, the captain found her a pair of trousers and a tunic to wear when she can find a way to clean her dress, but since she had no training for that in case she had to fend for herself, Emily didn't know how to wash her clothes. Walking out of the cabin she gave herself after talking to the captain, she walked onto the deck and wasn't surprised that Haytham was fighting with three crew members. What surprised her was that she went in and started fighting the men as well.

            “Miss Milner?!” he questioned, startled that she even got into the fighting with him. With fighting off Graves, she watched him beat up Quill. Once the bloody bastard hit her and she kneed him in his groin, a howl of pain coming from him. Then she had the man, Mills she heard Quill say and he whispered, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”

            “Where did you-”

            “Word travels. Don't worry, he will not know.”

            “I'll kill the bloody bitch.” Graves looked at her and Mills before directing his attention to Haytham. “But I think I'm ready to go again if you are.”

            Haytham looked at him, “This is unwise.”

            “Why's that? Ya think I'm afraid of ya?” he gestered to Haytham to come at him. Emily still thinking that the captain would be very unpleased to see them fighting.

            “No. But you should be.” and he went after Haytham, he got Graves on the ground, “Do you yield?”

            Haytham heard Emily gasp when he pulled out a knife on the Templar. “Never! Now how do you like these odds?”

            When she looked up, the captain was on his way over and sighed in relief when Haytham disarmed Graves.

            “What is the meaning of this.” he stormed over and both Emily and Haytham said, “Captain.”

            “Explain yourself at once, Mister Kenway!” Emily gave a mental sigh when he didn't call her out on her error.

            “You see, these fou-” And then Mills interjected, “We were simply passing the time with a bit of sport, Captain.”

            “How about you pass the time by doing your god-damned jobs instead?! I wasn't aware I was paying you to loll about! A word please- Mister Kenway? Miss Milner can join as well.” Right before Haytham said anything, Emily took the knife and went over to Graves, knelt down and whispered like she was the Angel of Death, “Try to fight me or Mister Kenway and I will kill you myself.” before stabbing it close to his crouch and walked back to the two into the Captain's quarters.

“I don't care for you, Mister Kenway. I've had nothing but trouble since you came aboard. Miss Milner is the only one who I haven't seen get into any fighting.”

            Emily blushed and looked at Haytham, “Not too innocent now, eh? And your problems have nothing to do with me.”

            “I beg your pardon?!” he stood up and looked at the two.

            “You're a poor leader; ill-tempered and cruel. And it's clear your crew has no respect for you.”

            Emily punched his arm and glared, “ And you're no better, Hankie?” This made him pale and look at her, “Where did you hear that from?”

            “No where, it was a guess.” she looked away from him and began to play with the fabric on her shirt.

            “Look- I don't want to argue. In fact, I need a favor...”

            “Oh? This is rich.” he grumbled and got another punch in the arm. Emily walked over to the captain and asked, “What is this favor you're asking us?”

             “I suspect some of the men intend to mutiny and as I cannot trust any of them, I am compelled to turn to you.” He looked at them and after Haytham's sarcasm remark, he asked almost in a sneer, “And why should I help you?”

            “Because if they do intend to betray, I'm the only hope you have of reaching America alive. Well? What will it be?” Emily nodded in agreement with the captian and Haytham sighed. “If what you say is true, what other choice do I have?”

            “Thank y-”

            “But let me be clear, should you ever dare to insult or threaten me again, I'll not hesitate to cut off your head myself. Are we understood? Excellent! Good day,” he walked out of the room before Emily and she looked at the Captain, “And he says you have a temper? What a punny little man.”

            “Did he threaten you as well? And what was it of?”

            She looked away before answering, “More likely he was going to expose me to my family of carrying his child. And I begged him to take me with him.”

               “Well, go get plenty of rest then. Having a child is not that lovely on a ship. Heard of others dealing with that and I do not want to join their ranks with that one.” he let her leave and went back to his desk, writing more about the voyage. 

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