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"Stay here tonight."

The invitation threw Kurt completely off guard. He turned towards her, both eyebrows raised. Jocelyn was looking away from him, anxiously rubbing her arms as she waited for his answer.

"I don't want to bother you any more than I have tonight," Kurt chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

The X-Men and the Brotherhood had a major fight in the middle of town earlier, and both anti-mutant groups and the army had decided to intervene. Things got messy, and the X-Men were separated. Kurt had gotten injured fairly badly in the fight, and fled to the one place he knew he'd be safe- Jocelyn's apartment.

She had patched him up, after slightly freaking out over his condition, but after a few hours, Kurt was able to get up and move.

"It's late. Besides, I don't have to work tomorrow so there's not an issue with that. I also have some of my dad's old clothes you could wear," Jocelyn offered, "Besides, you're injured. It might be a good idea if you didn't move around too much."

"I've had much worse, I can assure you. I promise I'll be fine-" Kurt tried to assure her, but was cut off.

"Kurt, I'm scared for you," Jocelyn blurted out.

The two stood there in complete silence for a moment.

"There's no reason to be scared for me," Kurt stepped closer to her, gently taking her hands into his, "I'm an X-Man. I have dealt with much worse injuries than these."

"You aren't getting what I'm trying to say," Jocelyn sniffed, "It's dangerous in New York at night, especially for mutants. And with the SRA being brought back up and after the fight today-"

Jocelyn pulled away, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. Kurt's heart sank as she started crying.

"Don't cry, Liebchen," Kurt put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. Jocelyn sobbed into his chest while he held her.

The two stood there in the middle of her living room, not saying anything for a good moment. Kurt started whispering German phrases, causing Jocelyn to look up at him in confusion.

"What are you saying?" she asked.

"Just some calming words," he wiped away her tears, "I really hate seeing you so upset. It breaks my heart."

"I'm sorry-" Jocelyn sniffed, beginning to pull away. Kurt's hold on her tightened in response.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Kurt shushed her. After another moment, he gave in, "If it will make you feel better, I'll stay."

"I'm scared of losing you... that's why I want you to stay. I don't want anything happening to you. I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you," Jocelyn explained, shaking slightly.

"And you won't," Kurt's voice was in her ear, "I promise, you will not lose me."

"You mean it?" Jocelyn's voice was weak.

"Of course I do," Kurt's lips pressed against her temple, "I'm a man of my word."

Jocelyn relaxed in his arms, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest once more. His heartbeat sounded in her ears, soothing her own racing heart. She felt safe in his arms, and knew that at least for tonight everything would be fine. That he would be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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