Peanut Butter and Jelly

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Felix is very clingy towards his friends. He loves to hug and cuddle with them. He will stick to you like glue, or peanut butter is a better description ;). Especially with a certain black haired male called Hyunjin. Felix has a tiny okay fine VERY big crush on Hyunjin. All is friends know this and try to get them to be together as much as possible. Felix trust Jisung the most because the are practically twins.

"I know exactly what to do!"

Currently in Jisung's and Minho's room Felix and Jisung were talking about ways to make Hyunjin notice Felix. Jisung being Jisung the bright hyper squirrel kept talking about multiple plans until one finally caught Felix's attention.

"Make him jealous by being extremely clingy towards a specific friend!"

"Are you sure that will work Jisung?"

"Of course it will work. I'm always right."

"Not true."

Minho suddenly spoke up not looking up from his phone. Minho had been there the whole time not really caring too much but still paying attention to the conversation because why not? He had nothing better to do anyway.

"Shut up Minho!!"


Hyunjin was in his room thinking about a certain someone. A certain blonde whose freckles looked like tiny stars, with eyes that sparkled with happiness, who was very clingy but absolutely adorable in every way. Yes Hyunjin was whipped for the one and only Lee Felix . He loved cuddling with him and Felix's hugs were always the best. He wanted to confess so bad but didn't know if Felix like him backed. He was scared of rejection like every other human. Hyunjin sometimes feels that Felix may like him because his eyes seem so bright when he's with him but he also spends so much time with Jisung. Jisung and Felix were like soulmates in Hyunjin's eyes but Hyunjin wanted to be Felix's soulmate.

Hyunjin left his room to get some water when he saw Felix and Jisung exit Jisung's shared room with Minho. Felix was holding onto Jisung's arm as they went over to the couch to put on a movie but not just any movie a SCARY movie. Which meant Felix would be cuddled up to the nearest person to him. Hyunjin couldn't help but feel very jealous. The others started coming out of their rooms and sat down to watch as well. Hyunjin decided to join and to his luck the only space left was on the other side of Felix.


As more and more jump scares appeared the more Felix would cuddle into Jisung. Hyunjin was feeling EXTREMELY uncomfortable and jealous. This didn't go unnoticed by Chan who happened to be sitting next to Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin are you okay? You keep glaring over at Jisung and Felix are you jealous or something? Want some peanut butter to go with that jelly?"

Chan being oblivious to the situation only meant that as a joke but that wasn't the way Hyunjin thought of it. Soon everyone's attention was on Hyunjin as he started speaking nonsense.

"W-what? Why should I be jealous? We all know Felix is clingy. I'm not jealous maybe you're the jealous one. I'm going to my room this movie isn't even good."

Hyunjin quickly left knowing very well that he seemed very suspicious with how much he was rambling. Hyunjin threw himself on the bed thinking about how stupid he was. He was so concentrated on his thoughts he didn't noticed his door slowly being opened.


Hyunjin snapped back into reality when he heard the sweet sweet voice that is a beautiful melody to his ears. It was also someone he didn't really want to see at the moment.


Hyunjin sat up on the bed looking at the floor because he was flustered and didn't want to look at Felix. Felix slowly got closer to to Hyunjin. Felix was eventually right and front of Hyunjin and he lifted his head so Hyunjin would look at him.

"Are you okay Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin couldn't speak he was mesmerized by the beautiful blonde boy in front of him. The way his named rolled off of Felix's mouth. The concerned look on Felix's face. The freckles oh god the beautiful star like freckles painted across his face. Everything absolutely everything about Lee Felix was just perfect. Nothing could describe how beautiful Felix looked in Hyunjin's eyes. Hyunjin could no longer resist. He grabbed Felix's arm and tossed him lightly on the bed. Hyunjin on top with Felix pinned to the bed. The space between was soon gone as Hyunjin brought his lips towards Felix's lips. They were so soft and fit perfectly with his. The thing that surprised Hyunjin the most was that Felix was kissing back. The kiss was rough but also so gentle. The feelings of both boys felt being told through the kiss. It felt so magical.

Oxygen however was a thing they needed.

As the pulled away Hyunjin realized what he had done and quickly stood up and apologized.

"I-I Felix! I'm s-sorry. I ju-st I-"

Hyunjin quickly shut up as soon as Felix gave hima peck on the lips.

"Hyunjin it's okay I liked it. I've been wanting to tell you for awhile that I liked you."

"Y-you like me?"

"Yes dummy!"

Hyunjin was shocked but then the biggest smile appeared on his face. He was so happy Felix liked him backed. He picked up Felix and spun him around.

"I can't believe you like me! I'm so happy!"

Laughter could be heard as Hyunjin slowly put Felix down.

"Seems like Jisung's plan really did work."

"What was Jisung's plan?"

"He told me to make you jealous."

"I- wow I guess it really did work. I was very jealous seeing you cuddling so much with Jisung but you're all mine now. No one will take you away from me!"

Felix laughed at how cute Hyunjin was. He was very very happy. It felt like something that would only happen in kdramas or fanfics. It felt so unreal but it was also the best thing ever.


"See Minho! I told you it would work!"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"Peanut butter and jelly goes great together!"

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