Seek and Find

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I wander on, 

I yearn for more,

More than me,


I look forward,

Not backward

Always moving,

Always learning.....

I feel left out,

Out of place,

Out of stock,

Out of date...

I hope to find,

My missing piece,

My other half,

My other place....

I yearn for something new,

Something fresh,

Something different....

I think I've found it...

The missing piece,

The lost treasure,

The last part of me...

Yes, I have.

After this whole time of searching,

I've found you,

My one and only...

I've never stopped looking for you,

Always cared,

Always there,

You're my something, in my everything....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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