First met

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CCB is lonely. She moved from a small town to a big town. She went to this large school that holds 900 students. She is very lonely against 600 boys and 400 girls. She always sits alone during lunch and people would look at her cause she's lonely or she's sitting in their seat. One day, things changed a lot. She found a friend that saved her life from being boring.

Shu's p.o.v
I saw this girl sitting by herself every day at lunch. I feel kinda bad for her. I walked up to her and saw her head down.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. She looked at me. Her makeup is messed up, she's probably crying because she's lonely.
"What? You're probably not talking to me! Go away!" She said. She probably never talks to people before. No wonder people don't like her, cause she'slonely and she gives attitude.
"Don't worry, I want to talk to you." I said nicely. She looked at me and blushed. I sat next to her and we ate lunch. Soon we had the next class together. The teacher said we have to be in pairs of 2. I went to the girl and we became pairs. She is really a nice girl. I really enjoyed being with her.

Shu is really nice to me. He understands how I feel and how I act and stuff. We became friends soon after that. It was hard making friends at first, but I'm so happy I got at least one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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