Discipline |BNHA| T

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Thank you @XxThisOneGirlxX for all of these ridiculous ideas.


TW: Implied sexual situations


Possibly Omegaverse


"You will be picking hero names soon," Aizawa drones.

Then, a crash and a thud lands on the class door.

Aiwaza calmly walks over and pulls the door open to be greeted with Present Mic on the floor.

He looks up and sees a hole in the window.

"What now?" He sighs.

"I was testing some ROCKIN equipment, but then I was yeeted across campus! Also, can you kiss my knee better? I scraped it falling for you." Present Mic's glasses slide down his face to reveal puppy eyes.

Aiwaza freezes, his breath hitching.

"Uh," he pokes his head back in the class room. "Give some thought, class dismissed. I want your names to be ready to present tomorrow."

He slams the door shut and scoops Present Mic up in his arms.

"Damn you Mic, I'm gonna fuck you up so bad you won't have a voice to test equipment out on. Think of this as your disciplinary punishment." He hisses as he jogs down the corridor.

"Oh I can't wait." Present Mic purrs eagerly.


Class is dissmissed, so everyone starts to pack up.

"You don't think..." Midoryia fades off.

"Definitely." Kirishima states.

Iida bolts up and snaps, "Everyone gather your items and evacuate the building! Head to the dorms immediatly! Minet, get your things gathered and get off of Wattpad or I will throw you across campus!"

"Why are we evacuating?" Uraraka asks innocently.

"Don't you remember last time?" Tsu asks. "When Mr. Aiwaza took Present Mic out of the room?"

"They are fucking doing it. Present Mic shattered the windows last time this happened. I bet he's on his heat or something." Bakugo scoffs.

"Yes, so get out of this building!" Iida yells.

---- the next day ----

"Alright class, Present Mic and All Might will be approving your names." Mr. Aiwaza states.

Then, the door opens with All Might carrying Present Mic. He sets him down and Present Mic promptly falls over after wobbling.

Mr. Aiwaza chuckles a bit, under his breath.

"All Might, could you take over?" Mr. Aiwaza asks.

"Of course, just keep this school's repair bill down please." All Might agrees as Mr. Aiwaza carries a whimpering Present Mic out of the class.

"Everyone, we will take this to the training gym. Have your names ready and an alternative if the first doesn't work."

*Fifteen minutes later*

Everyone looks up at the window to see the teacher dorm's windows shatter and a portion of the school's windows blow up.

"Seriously?" All Might mutters.

"MINET DO NOT OPEN WATTPAD" Iida log chops his arm rapidly, scolding the small pervert as he opens his phone.

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