Dementors on the train!

Start from the beginning

It shows the lights going back out again one by one.

"I think... people are coming aboard." Draco informed with fear as the car sways violently and then rights itself as I was against Moody's side. I won't admit this but I was scared.

Then suddenly the window under Draco's fingertips were freezing over and Draco, Neville and Hermione looked shocked as Moody eyes it and pales.

It showed the bottle freezing over that had water within and I was shivering with the coldness. All the widows were frozen over.

"Bloody hell. What's happening?" Neville asked as he sat closest to the door with Worthless.

Remus Lupin looked still asleep with a blanket over him and Moody had his wand looking around with his magical eye. I was nervous as I looked around with my ears twitching madly.

Then suddenly a black silhouette came outside of their compartment with a cloak blowing and a slimy scabbard hand of death waves it's hand and places the handle down and slides it open revealing a cloak figure and the hand gripped the door revealing the scabbard hand as I was pale as I heard this and I was shaking violently hoping it wasn't the thing that I hated. The cloak figure came into the doorway. Draco and Hermione leaned back as did Neville and I who was right next to the figure. Crookshanks hissed and suddenly the figure turned to me as I sensed it did.

I was shaking from the cold and also the fear I felt and I wasn't the only one I could sense Neville was shaking badly as well. Then I couldn't catch my breath suddenly and my breath went raggedy as I felt like choking as the Dementor got closer to her suddenly Moody stood up with his wand and so did Remus Lupin.

From Moody's wand came a lion and Remus Lupin came a wolf chasing the figure away but when I could breathe again my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I fell unconscious.

To Neville he went unconscious and he lived what he had seen.



It was the voice of his mother and father shouting for him the night of the attack.

For Worthless she heard herself screaming the day she got turned blind.


"You worthless brat you don't deserve anything!"



I was unconscious when I heard Hermione with a voice of concern. "Worth." Hermione' voice came and I opened my eyes but still saw darkness with not able to see but my ears twitched. "Worth, are you all right?" Hermione asked concerned as Neville was there pale as he sat there unemotional but in his eyes he was haunted.

I turned to my friends Draco, Hermione, Moody and Remus looking to her with concern and troubled. I nodded as I sat up with caution and Remus helped her sit back, knowing of her condition and he was concerned as she was shaking with horror. Draco looked pale with nervousness of the events that just happened.

"Thank you." I said with a shaky voice trying to get myself back together again with what I had to relive due to the creature.

I had a cold sweat on my brow when I heard something snap and Remus Lupin hand outstretched with something rigid. It was a chocolate slip in his hand.

"Here, eat this. It'll help." Remus said to Worthless as he hands it to her with a small smile but with sadness within his eyes. I was confused on what he just handed me. "It's all right, Worth, it's chocolate." Remus informed her when he saw her confusion.

"You giving your chocolate away, Remus, say it ain't so?" I said with a tease of humour and Hermione, Draco, Neville and even Moody chuckled. I was aiming for that to lighten the tension of what just happened.

I then went unemotional as I looked to the group. "What was that thing? I've read about them but I can't remember the name." I informed as I held the chocolate. I haven't ever tasted it before.

"A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now." Moody said gruffly to her as he had his eyes on her that held slight concern. I frowned and shivered. "It was searching the train for Sirius Black." Moody informed and I didn't like that. I didn't want Sirius to get taken by those.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with the driver." Remus said standing up and going to the compartment door and then he turned and motioned for the chocolate with a stern look. "Eat. It'll make you feel better." Remus said to her.

When Remus was gone I looked towards the chocolate unsure as I smelt it and I turned shakily to Moody, Hermione, Draco and Neville who were all unnaturally silent I didn't like that. Was I the only one that fainted?

"What happened to me?" I asked with shakiness in my voice.

"Well, you sort of went... rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Draco informed and I flinched.

"And did either of you? You know... pass out?" I informed because if Potter got word of this then he'll have something else to tease me about. I didn't want that.

"I did." Neville spoke up and I looked to him with both having the same look. Don't say anything about the experience especially telling Madam Pomfrey.

"No. I felt... weird. Like I'd never be cheerful again. But... no." Draco informed to her.

Hermione shook her head as she held Crookshanks. "I was trembling and cold. But then...Moody and Professor Lupin made it go away." Hermione said and I smiled lightly to Moody who raised an eyebrow. I was thankful for that Dementor to be sent away.

"Thanks, Moody." I said and Moody nodded. "But someone was screaming." I said to that one. I heard screaming.

"I heard a woman and a man shouting and then someone cackling cruciatus curse." Neville said trembling slightly.

Hermione and Draco glance nervously at each other.

"No one was screaming or shouting, Neville and Worth." Hermione informed the two.

I knew someone was screaming and I looked to the direction of the window as I nibbled on the chocolate which filled me with tingling and it was delicious. I've never had chocolate before.


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