Blowing up Marge

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It was just an ordinary day for me as I was being the Dursleys house elf with my stupid of a half brother Harry stinking Potter. The Wrong child who lived who couldn't even get rid of Voldemort if he tried.

Right now though, Vernon was collecting Marge...oh how I hated her she nearly drowned me as a child and that got me afraid of the water but the thing was...I can't swim due to I've never been taught.

As I heard the door I rolled my eyes and came down as I heard Marge's shrill voice that was like thunder. "DOG! DOG!" She shouted and I scowled. I hated that name ever since I've lived her they treat me as a pet...I'm glad Severus never knew about this. He'd really kill the Dursleys but I'm not worth anything. "Dog, open the door!" She shouted and I came.

I all ready had bruises with a bloodied lip from the abuse from my uncle, aunt, Potter and also Dudley. As I opened the door she barged through and the door smashed against my face and I glared with anger but pushed it down knowing if I didn't I'd get punishment. Anyways her dog came in legs just say Ripper and me hate each other as she handed me the umbrella.

After her my uncle Vernon came in but I don't think of them as family, never have done. I though growled at Ripper. I hated that mutt with a vengeance. Especially when he kept biting me in which I needed to stitch the wound myself due to they didn't take me to a hospital.

"Marge, how lovely to see..." Petunia started to say. I knew Petunia didn't like Marge very much. But I grabbed my letter for Hogsmead out of my pocket. It's now or never or they won't sign it.

"Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form." I said to him quietly I had to be obedient like a dog.

"What is it, dog?" Vernon sneered and I shuffled uncomfortably as I had the dog collar around my neck.

"Nothing. School stuff." I said quietly. I hoped he would understand that it had to do with Hogwarts since the Muggle Marge was here who didn't know about the school.

Vernon eyes the parchment in her hand untrustworthy.

"Later perhaps, if you are a good dog." Vernon said to me and I sighed quietly. That means he's not going to sign it.

I though follow with my ears twitching one thing you've got to know about me is that I'm blind. Only my friends, Severus, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black know about it.

"I will if she does." I sneered and Vernon I felt shot me a glare as he sprayed me with water and I backed up. I hated when he did that because that means I'm being a bad dog that's out of line. They shouldn't do that to me.

Then I felt Marge looking at me and Marge turned to her and eyed the girl in distaste. "So, your still here, are you?" Marge said to me and I had anger within my eyes. It's not my choice that I have to stay here if I could I wouldn't stay here.

"Yes." I answered back to her.

"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful tone." Marge said and I had to grit my teeth to hold the anger that I would have lashed out to her because I knew I'd never get away with punishment.

"Damn good of my brother to keep you, if you ask me. (to Vernon, Petunia) It'd have been straight to an orphanage if she'd been dumped on my doorstep when her fathers alive." Marge said and my ears twitch. Oh that bitch I wanted to kill her but I bit my tongue. But my fathers alive? Why doesn't he come and get me from here? But then again I'd be nothing but a burden to him with my condition. And besides I'd be better in an orphanage I might be treated better than here.

Just then Dudley and Harry - sitting comatose before the TV emits hollows of brain dead chuckles. I rolled my eyes I didn't find what they think was funny and besides, I couldn't see it so I didn't really bother.

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