Coming Out... Behind a Dumpster

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"He kissed me... he... he fucking kissed me!" Abe sat beside a dumpster with his knees up to his chest. He was too overcome with emotion to smell the garbage.

"Abe?" Wilford stepped out of the back door and looked around "Old friend, I didn't mean to scare you off! Please come out."

Abe pulled his legs closer and buried his face into his knees, trying to stay as small, and as quiet as possible.

"Oh there you are~!".


The detective looked up and saw Wilford's...warm...and...handsome smile. He stopped his embarrassing thoughts and quickly looked away, all flustered and full of shame.

"Hey". The normal slurring of Wilford's words went away, and was replaced with that gorgeously deep voice of his. He sat next to Abe and kept his soothing tone "Are you okay to talk? I promise that I'm only concerned, and nothing else."

Abe said nothing and kept his eyes away as Will sat down next to him.

“Please, I only want to help. It was the kiss, right? Was it too soon?".

“Too soon? Too soon? Wilford, I’m not attracted to men...” Abe retorted as he continued to keep his vision away from the afro-wearing freak.

Will’s eyes widened “Abe, my dear detective, offense, but... I know that’s not true. I’ve been around the block a few times, and I can sense how you're feeling."

Abe finally glared at Wilford, feeling offended “What gives you the right to say that? How would you know?!”.

Wilford’s eyes were soft, and he noticed that Abe’s face was red. Was he crying? No... there were no tears. Will smiled. He was blushing.

“I know because I’ve helped many men out of the closet. Abe, you’re blushing, and you ran out of the club in embarrassment, not in anger. I saw the fear in your eyes, like you were afraid of being attracted to me” Wilford rested his hand on the Detective’s back “Not to further that embarrassment, but I’ve noticed the way you look at me, and how you talk about me. It’s kind of like you have this pent up romance in your heart that you’ve never been able to share. Am I correct?”.

Abe was a little annoyed at first at how Wilford was being, but when he thought about Will's words, his frown slowly faded into a sad sigh and he turned his head away “I...I don't...”.


Abe finally looked at Will, the detective's eyes beginning to fill with tears. Wilford’s heart was torn “Tell me everything. I just want to help you. Please”.

Abe gulped and slowly nodded “I...I just...” he exhaled heavily “Y-You’’re right. I’ve never wanted to believe it, but.. I-I... I am g-..”. He couldn't even say the word; he was so ashamed of himself.

“Abe my dear friend, your sexuality is nothing to be afraid of. It's who you are, and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are".

Will observed the distressed man, seeing his pain "Do you want to talk about it?".

There was a moment of silence, until Abe finally spoke up “ my life I’ve been focused on becoming a detective. W-When I was younger, a-all I ever wanted was to achieve my dreams. I was always working, ...and...I never thought about dating anyone until a girl asked me out in college”.

Wilford carefully listened, being genuinely concerned for his friend.

"I was going to tell her no, friend at the time told me otherwise" he sighed gently "we went out to dinner and...I didn't feel anything. She was really sweet and kind, ...but...I just...wasn't interested. I didn't feel attracted to her at all" he rubbed his forehead stressfully "it was just a very one-sided date".

May I Have This Dance? - Abestache (Wilford Warfstache X Detective Abe)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя