Harry is Y/N's Criminology instructor

Start from the beginning

"And," Niall begins, dragging his glass against the walnut veneer of the table, "You've got that cute, oblivious kind of porn-y vibe going for ya, so if all goes wrong you could suck his dick and get the A –"

"Ni, that's inappropriate," Liam cuts him off, rolling his eyes, "Besides, Y/N doesn't have the porn-y vibe in the slightest. Like, seriously, have you heard her try to speak to strangers half the time it's just sad –"

"Okay! I'm sure me and half of this god damn restaurant understand that I have no sex appeal and little people skills, thank you for speaking at top volume." She grouses, obviously nettled, fussing around in her purse for a piece of gum to tie her over until the food actually arrives (she doesn't know why they always come to this place, considering it takes them just under forty minutes for their food to be sat in front of them, and if you'd ask her Y/N doesn't even think it's that worth it, but Liam loves this place so her and Niall suffer quietly), "I just don't see the need for him and me to meet up in person. I've got all my goals set, I know where I wanna go with this class – I want an A and crime along with the justice system is interesting. That's all, no more no less."

Niall sighs, "You know professors who've been in the game long enough don't bother with it but the new ones – they feel like they can make a difference, get students through tough stuff, yada yada." He shakes his head, bending the straw even though it wasn't meant to bend, "Just humor him. Better to be on his side than anything; graduate assistance always grade a bit harder, but they're also more lenient to work with you because how college is, is still fresh on their mind."

Y/N nods, despite her worry that that wouldn't help much either. If she begins slacking off or her grade falters, she probably can't use college as an excuse, considering she'd be dealing with someone who managed to double major. He'd probably laugh in her face and darken the F on the paper she might inevitably get. Tell her that she should probably just drop out of college, considering she couldn't get through a simple Criminology course because –

"Ahh, the food is coming," Liam sighs dreamily, rubbing his palms together quickly, "And it only took thirty minutes this time! That's a new record for 'em surely."

So maybe Y/N has a lot of problems that she should be concerning herself over, but as of now, she decides to make her only problem whether or not she's going to get dessert.

. . .

It would be a lie if Y/N said she didn't spend her entire morning leading up to the meeting in a total sump of stressed ridden anxiety. The thought of sitting before him and saying that she wants an A, knowing that he would want an answer containing much more depth than that, makes her want to break out in hives. Has her feeling even a little sweaty after she leaves her apartment in a huff, walking way too fast because as much as she doesn't want to do this, she also wants to get it over with. Rip the Band-Aid off and accidentally show up thirty minutes early so she's pacing back and forth in front of his office (which she's surprised is solely his, because usually graduate assistants share), biting at the tip of her nails anxiously.

She's been doing this for a good ten minutes when she nearly rams her body into someone else, skidding to a stop practically and looking up to see just the man she'd been waiting for. "Miss. Y/N, you're here already?"

"Sorry!" She rushes, "I was just outside the building anyways, didn't see the point in going back home." The lie slips off her tongue easily, and Mr. Styles nods, his face softening some with the urgency and obvious unease wavering her voice. Maybe Liam was right – he was gentle with the students who seem to be in a slight panic, but this didn't soothe the tension building in her muscles because being nice didn't help the fact that he was so fucking gorgeous.

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