Y/N delivers sweets and Harry lives on the side of a mountain

Start from the beginning

Of course, maybe somewhere in her brain tickled the thought that this still wasn't a vacation per say and she still had to work, but she wasn't thinking that until she was trekking up the side of the mountain with a delivery basket. That morning she had gotten dressed at least semi-nicely – clad in a breezy shirt and shorts, ready to start helping in the bakery. Stepped into the comfort of it's warmed yellow lighting, the smell of warmed bread and sweets substantial in the air (but somehow not too much that it would bother her), wondered absently if they would be learning how to bake the cute little birthday cakes that had been displayed in the windows today, or if she would be taught how to frost pretty pink rose petals on top of a summertime cookie.

Instead of those cute, inviting things, however, Y/N and Niall were presented with a wild eyed looking man called Christopher who was running back and forth behind the counter, looking frazzled because the door opens in ten minutes, he was supposed to have delivered orders out before 9AM. The boy who usually did this job was on holiday in the southside of France to see family though, which Nanna Horan hadn't quite remembered okaying four months prior, until he reminded them of his absence that week. Which is why a handful of order slips (a muted pink in color) or divvied out amongst each of them.

"A few items you'll have to come back for, 'cos they have to be cooled in the fridge, so I marked those with thick maker lines. There's a colored sticker on each box coordinating with the order slip so you know what is what. Be safe, use your GPS on your phones, don't drop any over the cakes or Gretel has to re-bake them and she's a proper stink about that."

Most of Y/N's deliveries went by breezily: A blackberry and apple crumble for a sweet old woman called Edna who told her it was for a picnic with her friends that were at a retirement home, a Battenberg cake to a middle aged man who rubs his hands together in excitement and gives her a high five after he pays her and they exchange the box for the money, a two tiered strawberry and vanilla marbled cake with light whipped icing and cut strawberries making a heart at the top to a nice man in his late twenties maybe, because "Me n'me hubby got in a fight, y'know? Tryn'a make it up to him, since I was a proper dick about it", and a cluster of bumblebee iced biscuits for a five year old's birthday party. She learns from each of these that the people in the town are nice enough – if she has to go into an apartment building someone will hold the door open for her, they say thank you more than once, tell her to tell Nan and the rest of 'em how they wish them well.

It's heartwarming, really, so when she sees a thick black sharpie mark on the last ticket and she returns to bakery, she isn't too worried.

"This is for Harry Styles," Christopher told her, pulling out one of the bakery boxes from the fridge and placing it into a cooler, "Banoffee pie, and he lives up the trail on the side of the mountain – the graveled one near Nan's cottage, yeah? So m'sending you with this to keep it safe and cool." He slides it over to her, "Thank god we have y'a – know Niall's slow arse had taken 'bout twenty minutes delivering a cake next door 'cos he got to talking about footie, the bastard."

"Christopher," Niall had grumbled, appearing behind him with a deep frown, "Why're you so mean to me, when all I do is love ya?"

This is why Y/N is trekking up the side of the mountain, wishing she'd brought one of those portable fans that mist water out so that she could ignore the sweat that's begun to form on her skin. It's terribly muggy today, the worst day for walking up a mountain, and she's thankful that she brought a hair tie or her hair would have ballooned and frizzed had she not paced herself. Stops to check on the pie twice just to make sure the cooler was working (it was), and tries not to think about all the things that could be peeking out at her from the thick trunked trees and lush green leaves that swallow their branches whole.

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