The Secret Chamber

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*I need a place to think for myself* Salazar thought. He was always disagreeing with the others and I. Godric and Helga agreed with me that he has lost his mind with the thoughts of only allowing purebloods to come to Hogwarts. One day, Salazar was walking around Hogwarts when he noticed something in the girl's lavatory. It was an entrance to a chamber. In the mouth of a stone face was a little egg no bigger than a baseball. It had mysterious symbols covering it. When Salazar told the others about what he found, we were surprised about this egg. "Rowena? Helga? Godric? Do you not agree with me?" Salazar asked curiously. He wanted to hatch the egg in the chamber and then let it roam around the school. None of us agreed until we identified what kind of creature it was. Soon after the egg hatched, the four of us went down to see what creature it was. When we saw it, we all wanted it dead except for Salazar. "This basilisk should be allowed to roam around the halls of Hogwarts freely!" Helga, Godric, and I all agreed to let it stay in the chamber only. Salazar decided to name the chamber "The Chamber of Secrets" to give it some mystery. The basilisk stayed in the chamber for many years until Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, opened the chamber once and then 50 years later. The basilisk was then killed those 50 years later by the heroic Harry Potter.

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