a family at last

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robbie nodded and left me alone with my dad. Why would he do that?

"Cat congratulations you boyfriend past the test" my mum came in and hooked to my farthers arm.

"What test?" I asked so confused.

"I mean he saved you and then even when he wanted something so bad he listened to you" my dad said.

"What does this mean?"

"it means he loves you and that's all we wanted to know" my dad says smiling.

"but what about in the past when it wasn't a test" I said almost crying.

"for that I'm very sorry I am really angry at myself for what I did and I know you can never forgive me cat but that's why we never botherd to look for you because we knew you would never forgive me and now I feel stupid" my dad cries . I've never seen him cry before.

I took a deep breath.

"I forgive you" I said hugging him tightly.

"Cat thankyou I'll never forget this okay I love you "

he has never said that before and it made me cry.

"were a family again!" my mum cheered joining the hug.

"wait not yet" in said I opend the front door and robbie was stood there.

"thankyou robbie" I whispered in his ear and kissed him softly.

"is everything okay now cat?" he asked holding me by my waist.

"Yes come on robbie and meat my parents robbie" I said grabbing his hand and linking our fingers.

robbie walked in.

"Mr valentine I'm sorry for what I did" robbie said putting his hand out to my farther.

"your a good man. your perfect for.my daughter." my dad says taking his hand and shaking it.

"thankyou sir" robbie said linking my hand in his again.

"please please call me Ben"

we spent hours talking and it got to about 9:00 pm when we realised the time and decided to order some food.

my dad and robbie went to the sushi place to get our food and me and my mum stayed home.

"Cat can I ask you something mother to daughter?" my mum asked me.


"have you and robbie-"

"I.refuse to have this conversation I'm 18" I said stopping her before it could go any further.

"Cat everyone does it eventually."

"but maybe some people just haven't yet"

she took the hint and decided to change the subject.

robbies pov

cats dad pulled over his car.

"what's wrong?"

"I need to ask you something"

"What is it"

"have you had sex with my daughter yet?"

I shifted a little in my seat

"No sir"

"now I defiantly know your perfect for my little girl. you can treat her and love her more than I ever did give her life she wanted or wants in that matter please robbie don't hurt her like I did " he puts his hand on my shoulder and crys a little.

"Ben I love your daughter I have for years I will never hurt her ever"

"thankyou robbie"

"ite okay Ben now let's go get some sushi!!"

he chuckled and pulled of again.

cats pov

dad and robbie came back with the sushi..

"so cat have you tried looking for a job yet?" dad asked me

I grabbed robbies hand and we both smilled.

"well actually on Monday were going for a meeting with a record dealer and he is signing us our first records!" I screamed excitedly.

"honey that's great I'm so proud of both of you." my mum says.

robbie kisses me on my cheek and carries on eating.

"can we just stay the night here please?" I said yawning it was already 12:00 am so I was to tiered to travel.

"sure sweetie your bedroom is just how you left it" my mum says .

"thankyou goodnight" I get up and kiss her on the cheek and hug her I then hug my dad.

"goodnight daddy" I whispered in his ear.

I grabbed robbies hand and led him upstairs.

"use protection!" my mum yelled and I just pretend I didn't hear her.

in bed

me and robbie were making out and he was "Turing me on" that's what they call it. my feeling came back.

he put his hand on thigh and lifted me on top of him. his hands landed on my waist and were rubbing me slowly. he kissed my neck and it felt amazing. I tried to hold back a groan so I bit my lip.

"just let it out" robbie smilled and kissed my neck again.

I ground loudly.

"I love it when you do that" he says kissing me again.

his hands rise up my shirt. tingles shivered down my spine.

I tillted my head back in pleasure as he rubbed circles in my back.

"Cat wait we can't do this not hear" he says pulling back.


"do you really want to loose your virginity at your parents house?"

"I guess.not"

"sorry baby"

"I don't want you to stop" I whined

"me neither baby but it's late so we should got to sleep." he kissed me softly and groaned loudly when I stuck my tounge in his mouth.

I layed down next to him and panted for air.

"goodnight robbie" I kissed his cheek and cuddled close to him as he put his arm round my waist.

"goodnight baby" his said kissing my forehead.

I fell asleep peacefully and happily. I love moments like this.

so hello look I was on holiday so don't moan


big update yes?

guys I really do love you just so you know I do appreciate you all and sorry for the long update and thankyou for the votes and reads

I want a nickname for you all so you can pick and anyone who actually comments there nickname ideas I will do a shout out for.

but thankyou for reading

love yall.xxx

cabbie the never told storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat