"Put it on .. I don't want you to see where we're going . I hope that youll love it though"-I smiled 

"Oh .. Well okay"-You said placing the blind fold ever your eyes 

"Okay you ready ?"-I huffed 

"Yeah , let's go"-You clapped getting excited

 After 2 hours , Jordyn started to get suspicious

"Ugh, Jacob where are we going ? We've been in this car forever "-You said about to take of the blind fold when I stopped you 

"No ! I mean keep it on please . Sorry there's alot of traffic . We'll be there soon"-I said sounding disappointed

"Oh .. Um you okay ?"-You asked 

"I'm great"-I said trying to sound cheery

"Oh okay good . Man I hope that this place is really good"-You said 

"Me too"-I said 

"You've never been there before ?"-You asked

"Oh ! I have but i-it was a long time ago"-I laughed nervously 

"Oh well okay"-You said 

"Just relax . We'll soon be there "-I said and you didn't reply 

Another hour later we finally arrived at the trap house . I saw that the truck Ray took was there . I told them to go to the back to wait for me .

Deshawn walked out as soon as he saw my car pull up . It was about to go down 

End of P.O.V

"Get out , we're here now"-Jacob said opening the door for you 

"Ooh okay"-You said stepping out of the car 

"Can I take off the blind fold now ?"-You begged

"No wait a little bit"-Jacob said as he watched Deshawn approach us

"I'm sorry"-Jacob whispered into your ear before running to the back of the trap house

"Your sorry ? What does that mean ? Jacob ?"-You said slowly taking off my blind fold 

"Hello Jordyn"-This tall man stood in front of me 

"Uh .. Who are you & where's Jacob ?"-You asked 

"I am Deshawn & I'm sorry but Jacob's gone"-Deshawn smirked 

"Wtf . Where am I ?"-You asked looking around 

"Don't worry baby . As long as your in my hands, there's nothing to worry about"-Deshawn said

"Nigga I don't know you"-You said giving him attitude 

"Aha but I know everything about you"-Deshawn said 

"Tf ?"-You said

"Thats enough questions ! Take her away"-Deshawn pointed to 2 of his working men 

"No ! Get off me ! Let me go ! JACOB ! JACOB !"-You tried to scream but it was no help.  All you felt was your self being thrown into the back of the van 

Your P.O.V

One of the 2 men got into the drivers seat then drove off and the other stayed in the back with me . I saw that he had a syringe in his right hand with some dark blue liquid in it walking close to me . I tried to scoot back but it wasn't successful as I couldn't scoot back no more . The man smirked and injected the blue liquid in my left arm which made me feel light headed and weak . Next minute I knew I was knocked out .

I finally woke up but I realized that I was no longer in the van . Instead , I was laying in a nice comfortable bed . I thought that this was all a dream . 

Was I losing it ?

Oh hell yeah I was 

Someone walked in but I couldn't quite make out who this person was as I could open my eyes properly . Then I realized who this person was . It was the same creepy man who was he knew me . But this time he was shirtless .

"Aha I see that you've woken up at last"-Deshawn said sitting on the end of the bed

"W-what do you want with me ?"-I asked scooting to the head board 

"Nothing major .. I just want you "-Deshawn said 

"I want Jacob"-I said tears in my eyes 

"Jacob ? Sorry but you wont be seeing him for a while"-Deshawn said rabbing on my leg when I quickly moved it 

"Don't be like this . Well I'll leave you alone . I'll be back later with some food"-Deshawn kissed my forehead then left 

End of P.O.V

Jacob's P.O.V 

I elt like the worst human being ever . I just knew that this plan wouldn't work but I was going to get Jordyn back . I would just find a way . 

I ran to the back where Ray and Prod were .. We had to move quickly so the weas no time for talking . We snuck in through the back . We untied Chresanto and got him in my car without getting caught by Deshawn or his goons . I noticed that the van had gone and Jordyn was no where to be found . I knew that they had taken her . FUCK ! We drove Chresanto to the hospital before his wound could get infected .

As we was waiting for results , I just paced up and down the hall just thinking about Jordyn and how I could have possible ended her life .

You're A Psycho ! (Jacob Perez Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now