the devil's playground

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Keith quickly and swiftly grabs the board and places it on the table. He grabs a thin sheet of paper that has the words etched into it "RULES".

Keith opened it and read aloud ' 1: protect yourself Psychically ' Keith's eyes widen at this and he finally looks at everybody else "protect yourself psychically" Keith says in a rather deep tone. "Be respectful of the dead" Keith continued "Don't forget to say goodbye" "don't use it at home" "And finally don't use it by yourself" Keith looked around at the paranoid friends around him. His eyes finally lands on Lance whose eyes are shot wide open as if he had seen something paranormal. "Lance." "You okay?" "yeah i'm fine." Lance responds. "Okay... well then... everybody ready to play?" Keith asked looking around. 

"I'm ready" Aluhu says. "Me too!" hirihu shouts. "I guess i'm ready" heroku says. "I'm am indefinitely ready!" Elbis screeches once more. Keith looks at Lance, who is still wide-eyed. "Lance?" "everyone else is ready to play" "are you?" Keith askes Lance who is still not so ready. 'I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this' Lance repeats in his mind.

"LANCE!" Keith yells. Lance immediately snaps back into reality. "Yeah i'm ready" Lance lies. Keith looks at Lance and Lance just smiles like nothing happened. "Oh kayyyy" Elbis extends his sentence. Keith then puts his hand on the Planchette. "Everybody put your two fingers on the Planchette" everyone immediately puts their pointer finger and middle finger on the Planchette. Keith starts to circle the board with the Planchette.

"Ouija board... we're here to play your game" Keith said looking at Lance, worry filling his eyes. "Are there any spirits willing to talk to us?" Keith asks. ... no answer. Keith asks again. "Are there any spirits willing to talk to us?" ... Still no answer. "ARE THERE AN-" Keith puts his hand over Hirihu's mouth. "Don't disrespect the board!" Keith yelled. "That's one of the 5 rules!" Keith continues. All of a sudden the Planchette starts to move.

Keith stops yelling and looks at what it is spelling. "SOMEONE WRITE THAT DOWN!" Keith shouts at everyone. "W" "h" Lance says. "Y" Hirihu finishes. "Why?" "why what?" Keith says in frustration. "Wait it's moving again!" everyone watches the board like a hawk watching its prey. "A" "r" "e" "are" "why are" keith says. 

"Y" "o" "u" "why are you" Keith says. "D" "o" "i" "n" "g" "why are you doing" Keith completes. "Um.. Keith... is that good?" Hirihu asks, her voice full of fear. "Not that i know of..." Keith says rereading the rules. "What's your name" Lance says bluntly. "Lance are you okay?' Keith asks. "T" "h" "i" "s" "why are you doing this" "Lance" Keith stares at Lance. "Why are you doing this" Hirihu finishes the sentence. Keith looks at the board and feels a sharp pain in his arm. "OW!" Keith shouts. It's a message. "KEITH YOUR ARM! IT'S BLEEDING!" Lance points at keith's arm. It reads 'Zozo' "DID THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION LANCE?!" Heroku screams. Lance only stares at Keith's arm, terrified. "Let's say goodbye to the board" Keith says, taking his fingers off the Planchette. "KEITH NO!" Lance yells. A large gush of air comes towards everyone. But it is not a regular gush. It was a very powerful one that made everyone's fingers slip off the planchette. Except for Lance's. "EVERYONE COME ONE PUT YOUR FINGERS ON THE PLANCHETTE!" Lance yells. "Wait" in lance's eyes all he could see were his friends.They didn't seem to be dead. Just... fading. "Guys?" Lance said with a shaky voice. The next thing he knows is that all he could see was pure darkness. "Hello?" Keith yells. He only sees his friends and... his fiance. Lance. "Lance?" Keith says heart broken. "Keith?" Lance says. Were they both dead? Were they both alive? The answer was simple. Yes. they were both dead and alive. They were dead inside and alive on the outside They had both seen their lover dead. As keith slides down a wall his memories of Lance flood into his head. "What happened?" lance questioned. Keith giggles. "You fell silly" Keith lightly shoves Lance. Lance grabs Keith's arm and they both fall to the ground. "Keith?" "yeah?" Says Keith. "Will you marry me?" Drip. Drip. Drip. Salty tears make a puddle on the floor. Keith whispers to himself as he remembers what he says to Lance "yes" 

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