chapter 2

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Brick walked out frustrated from the library.

What happened to her?!?
He thought

Just then he heard a familiar voice in his head,a memory of some sort

"People change brick...|"

Brick suddenly got a phone call.

Hey bro bro
His brother boomer sid from the other line

Hey boom,how's las Vegas?

It's good.Did u meet blossom and sweep her off her feet like u intended to?Or bribe her with candy
Boomer chuckled,I remember how she would do anything for candy^^

Now quite...
Brick muttered from the other line

It was not at all like I expected,she was differ- oh god i cant even say it!She was so...un-blossom like.and she owns a frickin library!
Brick ranted

Boomer  sighed on the other end.people change brick..
Why do u think i fried to keep in touch with bubbles even after all these years?And u are the one that left all of a sudden.
I g-got to go now
Bye bro bro.

Brick sighed,not noticing where he was going,and collided into a lady

My my,are u ok!?
An anxious high pitched familiar voice said

Brick looked at her

Sorry, I wasnt watching where I was going he said,finally staring upon the lady

His eyes met ocean light blue eyes

The blonde woman finally said,id recognise those fiery red eyes anywhere!Is that u brick?!

B-bubbles?Is that u
Brick wondered before getting engulfed in a hug

Wheres boomer?Did he come back?How is he?!Is he actually feeling his promise?
Bubbles asked

Um,brick said hating to burst her bubble,boomer...Is in las vegas..

Bubbles smile quickly vanished
O-oh,i think i remember him telling m-me that in one of his letters..She said,obvioisly lying.

Anyways,its been so long,would u like to some for some tea?She said,reasoning her posture,im sure we have some watching up to do!

Um... Yes..Sure there are some things I want  to talk about,brick said,thinking of a certain  red head and followed her


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