Chapter 1 - Awakening

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Storm's POV

First, I heard something. A steady, beeping noise coming from a machine. The noise was loud and irritating compared to the silence that I had rested peacefully in before. Next came the smell. Anaesthetic; the clean, scary smells of hospitals and doctors surgeries. I instinctively crinkled my nose against the smell. Finally, I gained feeling throughout my body. This is the worst part. My head started throbbing and the painful sensation of pins and needles shot though my arms and legs. I didn't dare open my eyes, knowing that, judging by what I could hear and smell, I was in a hospital, and they have ridiculously white rooms and bright lights.

"Ow," I managed to grumbled out.
Somebody rustled, then started whispering across the room. People started moving towards me. I tried to open my eyes, and instantly regretted it. I was right, too bright hospital lights.
"Bright," I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head defiantly to the side.
"Storm?" I heard somebody whisper.
"Get the doctor," Somebody else said loudly.
The door swung open, then closed with a click. "Light, off," I managed through the throbbing of my head, dizziness and confusion.
More murmuring, shuffling feet, then a click. The light suddenly disappeared, and I tried to open my eyes again. Successfully this time. I looked up at the white roof, and scanned the room slowly.

Dividing curtains drawn open, machines working, weird and wonderful cords attached to me, eight faces staring expectantly at me and an occupied bed to my right, a window to my left. Ash, Andy, Jake, CC, Carys, Jayy, Dahvie and Mrs. Smith were standing around my bed.
"What happened?" I asked stupidly.
"The bus crashed into a telegraph pole and it collapsed onto it, anyone either up the back or in the middle avoided injury, but you and Raven didn't," Mrs. Smith explained. "Raven fell against the roof and got a concussion, you went out the window," She finished.
I looked over at the bed next to me. All I could see was the top of a bandage and strawberry blonde hair.

"My mum's gonna kill me," I said brilliantly. She would flip and never let me out of my room again!
"She doesn't know," Mrs. Smith admitted. "We though it wouldn't be serious enough for a hospital trip, but you didn't wake up. So, things have just been held up a bit as far as anybody knows," She said.
I tried to cock my eyebrow, but it gave me a headache. "So, don't tell Mum," I said. Another amazingly genius statement from yours truly.
Mrs. Smith nodded and moved over to sit next to Raven's bed. "Is she awake?" I heard Raven say quietly.
Mrs. Smith came back over to me, and handed me a handful of notes.
"What?" I asked her.
"Raven said she thinks it's yours, but she's not sure," Mrs. Smith smiled and patted my hand closed around the money.
"Not sure?" I asked nobody in particular.
"You see, Raven's concussion caused a sort of minor Amnesia, so she doesn't remember much about the last few days," Carys told me.
I thought about it for a second. What had happened in the last few- It all came flooding back to me. The fight, the stolen money, the accusation of being a slut, something to do with Andy. She doesn't remember? That means, we can literally just forget it ever happened. Yes! I mentally enjoyed this small fact. Jinxx walked into the room with a short, balding man in a white coat.

"Sally, Raven. You're both awake, good to see, we can discharge you in a couple of hours, after we run some general tests to make sure you're both fully functioning. It was a bit of a frightening accident," The doctor stood between the beds, glancing between Raven and I and writing on a clipboard. He hung it on the wall and turned around. "First thing's first, a quick vision analysis," The doctor picked some weird doo-dads off a metal tray and walked over to Raven's bed first.
I felt a quick squeeze of my hand, and turned to see Ash smiling at me. I smiled back at him and he stepped back to join the crowd of onlookers. Nine pairs of eyes watched as the doctor finished on Raven, then walked over to me.
"Okay, just follow the pointer with your eyes," He told me as he flashed a light into my eyes. "Good, now how many fingers am I holding up?" He asked, his index and middle finger in the air.
"Two," I responded. "Good. You're all set. Now, any dizziness, pains or aches?" He asked me.
"Yeah actually, my head is killing and I'm a little bit dizzy, but not too bad," I told him.
He nodded, wrote down some notes on the wall-clipboard before disconnecting me from the machines. The heart monitor flat-lined for a few seconds before he turned it off.

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