Chapter twenty-two: in which she visits the best friend

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I groaned. "It's not like that."

"Did you have a fight?"

"No... yes. I mean, maybe?"

"What did you do, Dakota?"

"Hey! What if he was the one that did something?" I complained.

She gave me a pointed look. "I know you."

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you everything, but no interruptions until I finish. We'll have a time for discussion and follow up questions when I finish."

Amanda agreed.

"Okay, well, I honestly don't remember if I told you this, but Trevor and I kissed. It was a few weeks before Thanksgiving and we never talked about it after it happened. It wasn't that big of a deal or I tried to undermine it. Whatever the reason, it was as if it never happened."

Amanda was shocked. I could see it in her face. She didn't even know what to say, which was good because I needed no interruptions.

"We went on with our lives." I continued. "Nothing happened and everything was back to normal until two days ago, which really feels like a single very long day. He kissed me again. I have no idea how it happened, but the point is that this was a different kiss. The first time was short and sweet, but this was pretty intense. Almost desperate. I kissed him back, of course, and then I went and started a second kiss.

"I got distracted and sort of came back to my senses. I ran, Amanda, like a stupid coward. I left him in the couch and hid away in my room. The next day I went to Kate's and when she found out the reason, she kicked me out. That's why I came here. It's true that I missed you and I wanted to se you, but I'm still running and hiding."

"I need a few seconds to process." Amanda said. I nodded nervously.

"Okay... I have no questions about the kiss. I guess it is pretty self-explanatory. My only question is, why are you running away? What is the real reason behind avoiding Trevor to the extent in which you literally left California."

"I don't know, I just panicked."

"I think you do know." Amanda continued. "I think the real reason is that you have feelings for him and you don't know what to do about it."

Amanda sat up against the headboard and I didn't move from my previous position. "Look, I know you don't like to think about your feelings and I know that it has something to do with the relationship you have with your father, but Trevor is not you father. You can't be scared of feeling something all the time. Running from everything may be an efective temporary solution, but you can't hide forever."

"I know that, but it's so hard to face everything. Trevor and I have always been friends, always. Nothing has ever changed that and it feels like all of a sudden we are standing on shaking ground."

"Okay, forget about your feelings for a second and think about Trevor's. What do you think is going on through his mind this second? I'm guessing he has no idea where you are. One moment you where kissing him and the next one you go MIA on him. If you don't want your relationship, as friends or as anything, to be strained after this disappearing act I think you should start with somethig simple. Tell him you're with me. Text him to let him know you're okay and that you need some time off."

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I doubted the text would make any difference. Trevor was probably angry at me for vanishing like that.

"Why wouldn't it be a good idea? I know he is worried about you." She paused for a second. "I'm not even going to try and convince you. You either give me your phone, text him yourself, or I will call him."

She was very intimidating and I didn't doubt for a second that she would go forward with it and actually call him. I guess I could text him and turn my phone off again after, to make sure that I wouldn't get any calls.

"Okay, fine." I stood up from the bed and walked to the corner where Amanda and I dumped my bags. I searched my hand bag and took my phone out. I hesitated for a second.

This was ridiculous! It was just a phone!

I shook my head and turned it on. Instantly, missed calls and text messages started to apear on the screen. I had 23 texts from Kate, plus six missed calls. I scrolled past them. Trevor had called fifteen times, but I only had five messages from him.

I'm sorry.

Please, tell me you're fine.

I talked to Kate, she said you're staying with her.

Koda, where are you? Kate said she kicked you out.

I'm sorry, please come back.

I finished reading the texts and a new call came in. Trevor was calling again. I let it ring until the call ended and texted him right after.

I'm visiting Amanda. I'll be back in a few days, don't worry.

I looked back at Amanda. "Done."

"Great!" She smiled. "It's late, we should sleep."

"You're right." I yawned. I hadn't slept last night and the tiredness started to show.

Amanda stood up. "Just think about what I asked you."

"What did you ask me?" I frowned.

"Why are you running?"

That was a good question.

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Thoughts? Why do you think she's avoiding everything?

A. L. Pecka

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