Freaked Out & Fragile

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(I have no plan for this at all so just be prepared for complete utter bullshit also my writing is not consistent at all ever so yeah have fun trying to make sense of this.)


You: What do you think about me dyeing my hair blue?

Bil🖤: It'd look great b <3

A smile spread across my face when she answered. I've been wanting to redye my hair for a while. Billie & I have been dating for two months and I guess for every new chapter of my life I want to redye my hair. Im not sure about the logic of it either.

-40 Mins Later-

I just got back from the supermarket with hair dye. Hopefully all goes well and Bil likes it.. I walked into our small apartment and greeted Billie with a smile. "I'm dyeing my hair now babe." 

"Oo I'm excited to see it."She replied happily. I walked into our bathroom and pulled the dye out. My hair had already faded back to blonde so I didn't have to worry about getting the colour out. I really hope Billie likes it...

-1hr & 30mins Later-

I'd just finished dyeing my hair, it took a while to get it all in evenly. I entered our bedroom where Billie was laying and showed off my new hair. She looked at me blankly for a minute and then gave a small smile. "Babe.. It looks good." I wasn't sure if her reaction was genuine or not but maybe she'll grow to like it.

-Next Day-

I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to check the time on my phone, the bright light almost blinding me. 


I then realise Billie wasn't beside me. I sat up and opened my phone. 


Me: Hey Bil, where are you?

Bil🖤: Work wanted me in early. Sorry I didn't tell you. Hugs x

(Authors Note: Ok I like think I may have changed how I was writing butshhhhh)

That's strange. Maybe she took someone else's shift. Anyways I have to get up to go have lunch with Geoff and Otto. 

I get up, wipe the sleep from my eyes and walk into the bathroom. I flick the light on and for a split second forget my hair is blue now. "Shit." I whispered to myself. I sigh and turn the shower on occasionally running my hand under the water to check the temperature.

-30 Mins Later-

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I hear my phone go off from the bedroom.

Two Notifications:

Geoff🎸: What time are we meeting up?

Bil🖤: Going out for lunch with work mates.

Guess I won't be seeing Billie on her lunch break today. I quickly get some clothes on and grab some gum off the counter. I put my shoes on and leave the apartment. I open the app Uber on my phone and order someone to come pick me up. 


Me: Leaving now, I'll be there in about 10. See you there :)

Geoff🎸: Cool. 👍🏼

At least I can hang out with the boys for lunch. Billie & I will have dinner together and it'll be fine.

-10 Mins Later-

"Hey!" I yell out to Geoff across the road. He turns around and waves at me. I jog across the road and give him a high five. "Where's Otto?" 

"He'll be here soon he had to do some stuff for his girlfriend or something. He said we're fine to go in and he'll join when he gets here." Geoff replied with a shrug. "Fair enough."

We order our food and find a table. About 5 minutes later Otto arrives and sits down across from me. "Goodmorning." 

Otto nods in reply. "What are we eating?" he asked as he picked up a menu. "Oh we've already ordered." Geoff declared. "Right.." Otto proceeds to read the menu whilst Geoff and I continue our conversation.

"Anyways, I don't know man, she's never taken someone else's shift before and it's rare she goes out for lunch, she usually comes home and eats lunch with me." 

Geoff sighs and replies; "Maybe she's just having a sociable day? I dunno either. Now onto a less depressing point, I ordered us new guitars from that one place you like." "Yesss, thank you. I will pay you back at-" Otto interrupts me to tell us that our food was coming.

 "Thank you." I say to the waiter as she places our food down then pours us some water. Otto's food shortly followed and we began to eat.

I'll Shave My Blue Hair~Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now