There was one person who crossed his mind that could soothe his self-deprecating thoughts and fears. Someone who understood Barry from every point of view.

Barry sped out of S.T.A.R Labs. The world raced beside him, yet time had quite literally slowed down for him. He was fixated on one place, one person. The anticipation of seeing him made the trek feel longer than it actually was. A ten minute run felt closer to thirty.

As he ran into his office, he allowed his feet to slide on the floor. The rush of wind forced paper to fly around the room, sending Oliver into frustration.

"Barry," Oliver spoke loudly, beginning to gather the scattered pieces of paper. "What did I say about five minute warnings?"

Barry gave him a guilty grin. He shrugs his shoulders. "Sorry. I just really needed to see you."

"Is everything okay?" Oliver looks to him worriedly, resting the stack of paper on his desk. He starts to make his way towards Barry.

"I'm fine." Barry replies stately. "I just needed some advice."

Oliver sits on his desk directly in front of Barry, inching closer to him before he speaks. He shoots him a smile. "Ask away."

"Violent crime has gotten worse in Central," Barry begins, his tone solemn. "More murders, assaults, gun violence. I don't know how I'm supposed to handle it."

Oliver's facial expressions turn to confusion. "Can't you just take the weapons from their hands?"

"No, Ollie. People are still dying," he begins. "These aren't just one off metahumans who's weapons are powers that can easily be taken from them or dampened.

These criminals have accessible weapons like firearms and shanks. Even if we put one away, another could come and wreak the same havoc."

Oliver bites his lip before giving Barry an empathetic stare. "And you're blaming yourself for collateral damage?"

"Where else does the blame go?"

"Barry," Oliver begins softly. "Violent crime happens everywhere. I have been active for nearly six years now and it still happens here. There is very little we can do."

Barry shakes his head. "But it's still getting worse." Oliver then stands up, walking to where his face was only inches from Barry's. He stares at him intently.

"You can't give in to these people," Oliver tells him stately. "That's what they want. Fight back. Make it better."

Barry's looks become questioning. "How do I make it better?"

"Be you. Be the beacon of hope you've always been." He tells him with a smile. He squats in front of him and places his hand over Barry's knee, causing him to grin lightly. "Maybe even learn to throw a few kicks and punches."

"I know how to throw punches, Ollie." Barry tells him knowingly.

Oliver cocks an eyebrow. He smiles with arrogance. "Not like me."

"Oh?" Barry asks with sarcastic inquisitiveness. "So you're saying you're gonna teach me how to fight?"

Oliver nods with a grin. "You can't beat every criminal with only your speed."

"Are you going to surprise me with two arrows to the back again?" Barry responds, his tone unchanging. His mind returns to the first time he and Oliver had done any type of training exercise. Oliver had been attempting to teach Barry about being aware of his surroundings, scaling every inch of a situation.

Barry being fairly new to the idea of being a vigilante who fought crime, took advantage of a seasoned Oliver. He did not hold back when it came to training-- he had two automatic bows ready to shoot if Barry was not paying attention. He wasn't.

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