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Yay to the first member of the group! 

Aight here's your story:

Once upon a time there was a unicorn (don't forget to say it uuneecorn!) and she lived in a very magical place. Even more magical then Hogwarts. She was frolicking in the field next to her den when she saw another unicorn (uuneecorn!). He had the most sleek looking mane she ever saw. She chased after him and found him with another unicorn (uuneecorn). Her sister. Oh how much she disliked him looking at her like that. She went up to him and her sister and watched as they spoke wordlessly. (My unicorns don't speak with words). They were talking about how her sister wanted to have shimmer (baby unicorns). She was a little worried but then he was saying he didn't want any and they got in a fight. Right in front of her. He left her sister and galloped away.

She followed him and he went to the magical river. He sat down and stared at himself in the river. She sat next to him and comforted him, totally ditching her sister. She sat there with him to a while and they watched the sunset together. She knew from that moment on he was hers. 

And they lived happily ever after with no shimmers.

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