Weeks after this attack, he had discovered from other peasants that the local nobles had allowed the Japanese to sack the village. Upon hearing news of the approaching army tthe nobles had ordered all soldiers to abandon the villagers to their fate without even bothering to order an evacuation or put up a fight, and instead ordered them to defend their lands and property so their wealth would be protected. Ever since he had learned this, a deep resentment of the Joseon nobility had resided within him. And yet here he was, the cut over his eye having formed a scar, and due to his fame he had been forced to guard some noble girl because the king had decided she was worthy of only the "finest warrior in the land" or some nonesense.

"Typical nobility" he thought to himself, gazing absent mindedly at the fine bushes adorned with flowers that made up a large section of the gardens. "Leave it to the rich to decide only they decide the best protection. At least this job pays well enough that I can afford to pay for the medicine that father needs for the wounds he had sustained during the Japanese attack, and maybe I can afford to send my sisters to be educated. They won't have to live like typical farmers if they can be educated enough to take up a skilled profession like medicine."

He cast his gaze back towards the young princess, who's eyes had glazed over as the lesson continued. "Typical noble children, taking for granted the luxuries the common person could only dream of. She has no idea what other people go through every day, no idea what people like me have had to endure."

"Alright kids, I'm going to take a...ah...short break" the tutor said, stammering his words slightly, as if nervous." Yes and we'll continue when I return. So stay right here and don't move!" And with that, he hurried away, glancing around nervously.

The children, happy to have a break began to talk animatedly amongst themselves, stretching out and relaxing. Yet something seemed off to Nam Deun. The man's nervous disposition, and how he seemed to be glancing about as if waiting for something felt very suspicious to him. He tightened his grip on his sword and scanned the area, looking for anything that may be amiss. The grounds seemed oddly empty, considering shortly before there had been servants bustling all about, yet the children did not seem to have noticed. Peering about, there did not seem to be anybody about, perhaps he was wrong, and simply jumpy at being in a place he did not know. Perhaps this was simply normal, yet he as a commoner was unaccustomed to-

His eyes fixed on what he had feared was lurking. A man, crouched inside a hedge and barely visible, yet from out of the bushes appeared the tip of a bow, with an arrow notched and ready to fire.

"Get down!" Nam Deun bellowed, grabbing the princess and pulling her backwards, lifting her off of the floor.

"What the-" Ra-on began to ask, but her words wers cut short by an arrow that planted itself in the wooden support of the cover. Had Nam Deun not pulled her away, the arrow would be in her neck.

"Everyone behind me!" He yelled, drawing his sword. The young noble children screamed in fear and ran to cower behind him. From deeper in the gardens two men appeared, their faces covered but with swords drawn. Together, they rushed Nam Deun, who ducked under their swords and readied himself behind them as they turned to face him.

"Come on boy, put your sword down and we'll make this quick" one of the men jeered at him, advancing on him. Nam Deun struck towards his head, but the blow was countered, so he kicked the leg of the assassin. He stumbled, and in this moment of hesitation Nam Deun brought his sword downwards, going straight through the man, the tip appearing through his chest.

As the assassin yelled in pain, the other rushed Nam Deun. He tried to pull his sword free, but it was stuck. He could not get it free, with his opponent feet from him! Thinking quickly and desperately, he grabbed the defeated assassin and brought his body up as a shield. The other assassin running at full speed could not slow his momentum in time. His sword peirced the heart of his comrade, who had up until then been still alive. He barely had time to register the shock and horror of what he had done to his friend before, with an almighty yell, Nam Deun pushed the sword lodged in the assassin through as far as he could, and stabbed the other. Together, they fell to the floor, blood seeping out of their wounds and covering Nam Deun, ruining his clothes. He was however, able to retrieve his sword now, the wound having grown bigger. Out of breath, he staggered on the spot, breathing hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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