Soraru x Reader [Smile]

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[a/n: SORARU-SAAAAAN— *chokes]

You were talking to Reol and the others and unknown to you that a certain blue eyes man is looking at you

Kradness noticed his gaze at you and nudged him "You like (U/N)-chin?"

Soraru gave him a what-the-freak face "No, I don't!" He walked away from him and went to Luz and Mafumafu

"Soraru-san is such a tsundere" Kradness shrugged and suddenly got an idea in mind


"Huh? You want me to give this to Soraru-san?" You asked Kradness with an brow raised

Kradness happily nodded his head "Yup! Don't worry, I'm sure he would accept it with his heart"

"I don't get it but okay" You walked towards Soraru with Kradness watching from behind

Soraru noticed your presence and looked at you and saw the bored face pillow on your hold

"Soraru-san, here's a good luck charm or something" He takes the pillow then nodded his head

You smiled at him then heard your name being called and went towards Hanatan and Lon

Soraru secretly smiled and holds the pillow you gave at him

O M A K E !

Senra noticed his smile and also noticed that Soraru was smiling at you

"Ah-re? Is (U/N)-chan can only make Soraru-san smile?" Senra said loud enough to be heard by anyone and suddenly a mic was thrown to his face

Utaite x Reader *INTENSIFIES* [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now