Your Earring

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7:30 PM

His violet orbs stared at the yellow haired male above him

"What?" He slightly scold at Senra whose been giving him a close eyed smile

"You're not saying any-" Shima was cut off by a pair of lips that connects to his, he closed his eyes and savours the moment

Senra caressed his silver earring as he pressed his naked upper body to his

Shima slightly pulled away while caressing Senra's lower lip "Senra..." He moaned out the others name

5:30 AM

A warm arm was wrapped around his waist

Shima pouted and turned around to poke Senra's nose

Senra blinked and chuckled at him "How childish, Maashi~"

Shima raised an brow as he felt something warm on his lips

Senra pulled away with a small pop "Hmm~ I might need more, Maashiiiii~" He hugged the naked male

"O-Oi! Let's wear something and call Urata or Sakata!" Shima scolded at the male and stood up from the bed

After a few minutes, Shima was looking at Senra whose still on the bed

"Oi, get up before I call them" He said with a hand on his waist

Senra ignored him by looking at the window

An irk mark appeared on his head and went towards the male

"Sen- WHA!?"

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