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"Sir, there are smaller ships reading on the external sensors. They're coming in fast but haven't called to make contact" Smith says at the monitor.

"I thought our cloaking would keep us hidden! Damned thieves at it again. Everyone at their stations; we're not letting them get to the cargo!" Captain Hulo commands, arms swinging. There's a rush of panicked footsteps before the alarm blares.


It drowns out the sound of laser fire from the ship in an attempt to shoot them down before embarking. It was all for nought. 

"L/N! L/N abandon post, they've cut through the security gates!" your friend grabs your arm and drags you from your position. Both of you run, climbing over dead bodies and equipment, to find the escape pods. "Quick, we can share one and safely make it back to port." You didn't like this idea and your face said it all. You weren't going to abandon this ship. They stop after opening the pod door. "L/N, please. You're young, you don't want to die here".

"We're not cowards, we have to stay and fight them off. What if they get they get into the hold?" You reply. The look in their eyes is one of hurt and betrayal, but your moral compass has enough weight to keep you on board. With furrowed brows, they extend their hand to grab yours only half a second before a shot is fired. 

"Trying to escape is not going to help now, I've got you two cornered" a raider raises her gun, a smirk on her face. Your friend grips their thigh, blood soaking through their uniform. "Tell me the code to the cargo hold and I won't unload the rest of the magazine."  

Before your friend has time to recite it, you push them into the pod and slam the launch button, sending them into space. "You're a fool to think we won't catch up to them," the woman comes closer before pressing the barrel up to your head. "And when we do, I'll be sure to personally make them regret having escaped". The raider licks her lips, cocking the gun before pressing down on the trigger.

"Oi Chantelle, stop messing around!" a male raider calls out, his footsteps approaching. The woman sighs, lowering her weapon. "Honestly if all you're going to do in these operations is wave a weapon around and avoid the objective then you're better off staying back." The two start quarrelling, voices raised and arms in the air. You take this opportunity to slowly back away a few metres before breaking into a sprint to the nearest terminal screen.  The captain is unresponsive to your messages and in the distance you can hear metal on metal. They're still trying to break into the cargo. Pride swells in your chest as you realise it means no one has given them the passcode, but guilt pools in your stomach after every scream that echoes down the hallways. With minimal self-defence training and no weapon in hand, it's best you make way to the armoury. 

Unfortunately, it seems you are late to the party. All the walls and ammo caches have been stripped clean. Bodies of both raiders and crew are sprawled about - you're not sure who was successful in gaining arms. After reluctantly searching the bodies, you now have a laser pistol with no charge and 2 throwing knives. Despite making sure no one followed you into the armoury, you find yourself face to face with a masked raider as soon as you turn around. 

"Easy there" he holds his rifle against your chest, "tell me the passcode and I won't hurt you." You can almost feel the smirk hidden behind his mask and bet that he'll just shoot you anyway. Still, with your hands nowhere near your recently looted weapons, it's best you play along for now. "So what will it be bub?" he presses the rifle harder against you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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