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I walked down the hall after school was over. I had a few notebooks from the different classes in my hands. I opened my locker, somehow, to put them in and I took out a book I liked to read at times. I opened the book and locked the locker (and the locker's lock was now locked). I began reading and took a few steps forward. Suddenly I could feel someone way taller than me bump into me and my book fell to the floor with a loud sound that was spreading across the hall. I looked up from the floor and at whoever crashed into me, it was Susie. I could feel my face getting warmer and I completely froze in place. Susie knelt down and picked up the book, she looked at it a bit after getting up again. I was still pretty much frozen in place just looking at her. "This is it, this is how I die." I thought to myself. After looking at it she held it out towards me, I could feel my heart beating fast and fell my face getting warmer as I reached out to grab it. As I took it she smiled a bit and let go of the book. I smiled back and then she started walking past me. As she did I followed her with my eyes. "She had her hair up today, how did I not notice that?! ... It fits her..." I thought to myself and as I realised I was blushing the *whole time*.

As I was walking on my way home I started to think about it again, I couldn't stop thinking about it so reading the book was very hard. I closed it and began thinking about where to go. I could go visit my dad but I just visited him yesterday and he will start to worry about me if I worry too much about him. I can't go home, I forgot the keys again and I'd rather not disturb mom while she's working. I began thinking about something Kris had said, they said she was nice. After today I feel like that is actually the case, I've not really seen her like that before. I began smiling to myself.

After a little while I could see Kris I started to walk a towards them, I didn't really have anything else to do so why not go talk to them? As I walk towards Kris, waving with one hand and book in the other I saw Susie. I wanted to run away and hide but was again frozen in place, and now both of them had seen me. I decided to take a deep breath and go talk with them. "Hi Kris!" I started to blush, I should have said hi to Susie as well or just said hi instead of saying any names. "H-hi... Susie." I said, blushing even more, somehow. Kris waved and Susie smiled. "What have you been up to?" I asked them. They explained they got trapped in the closet and entered a mysterious world, they tried to go back there today with no luck. I don't usually believe Kris that often, he has tricked me before, but both of them seem to have experienced the same thing. I said that if they go back there again that they should take me with them, as a joke, but they agreed to it. After a while of talking with them, me and Kris had to leave. I'm not sure where Susie went, and I was a bit worried but I believe she's able to take care of herself. Hopefully.

💚💚 Writers note 💚💚
Hope you liked it, it took a while to publish because I had to draw some stuff :P

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