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marc: *drinks coffee*

angela: it was your boyfriend?

marc: yeah. he miss me. *smiles*

katy: oowww, that's adorable!

arthur: it's weird.

marc: yeah, maybe it's weird, but i love him.

katy: and you started to dating suddenly or...?

marc: no exactly. we were best friends since...always. but a month ago, i just told him i'm gay. and then, he realize that i was in love with him, and he was in love with me.

angela: awwww, that's a cute story!

katy: *smiles* someday, i'll be in love.

arthur: love is bullshit.

angela: love is awesome!

arthur: do you really have been in love?

angela: well, no, but sure it's awesome.

marc: *drinks coffee* love is fucking awesome. it's the best thing in the world.

arthur: nope. the best thing in the world is porn.

angela, katy and marc: ewwwwww.

marc: art, tha-

arthur: that's the fucking truth. porn will never break your heart, man.

marc: yeah, but will be a privilege to my heart be broke for luke.

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