Micheal Jackson takes you to your favorite band

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You Are Holly in this image and Michael Jackson is your boyfriend in this short story thriller era 1983

So you just got home from a hard day at work and were thought your were gonna take a nap and you though you was alone but you wasn't your boyfriend Micheal was home.

Mpov: I just woke cause I heard the door open and close and knew holly was home from work so I decided to jump into the shower.  10 minutes later I came out and went downstairs to to find holly asleep on the coach and she looked extremely tired .

holly pov: I felt yk shaking me and I said what and yk said i got to something I jump thinking something was wrong . 

Michael pov: so I bought me and her Hollywood undead concert tickets cause I did miss our honey mood so this imma paying her back.  but she does not know yet  so i said this to her stay here be right back .

holly pov: I stayed like  he said to do 7 seconds later he came back downstairs with something behind his back  and I said what is that you hidden behind your back . he said nothing with a 😏 on his face 

Michael po v: I just stand there with a smile on my face and then I said this to holly go get ready were going out tonight . 10 minutes she came back downstairs with her stuff 

Holly po v : I just there waiting for him to say were going and then he said that we are gonna to see Hollywood undead concert at xlix tonight 

Michael po v : she just standing there with a 😃 on her face and then she at our of no were she gave me a kiss 💋 on my lips and have me a big hug and I said okay let's go now

Holly po v : so we got there as soon. As possible . When we got there MIchael pulls the two tickets out his pocket and hands it to ticket to the manager that collects the tickets .

Michael pov : so we go get some beer and then after that we got were the concert was going be and then at no were music start playing When I saw holly drink her beer and so then I started drinking some too

Holly po v the last song  comes on  in which my favorite song common in hot so I started get lit and then 

Michael pov i was a litlle wasted not like holly was super wasted which means imma driving 20 min we got home 

Holly po v : so we got home I was super wasted so Michael had to carry me in and bring me upstairs cause I was way to drink to walk 

Michael  pov : we were both really exhausted and tired so I pulled her into her arms and both fell alslee

Author note : so this suck so bad just begging to write 

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