"Ron? You don't think this is going to be real wizard's chess do you?" Emily asked nervously. Ron just frowned and moved a pawn two spaces forward, diagonal from the white's pawn. Sure enough the next move answered their question as the blacks pawn stood and smashed their pawn to smithereens leaving the quartet fell much less sure about the game by the minute. "Yeah Emily, exactly like wizards chess."

About half an hour later they had lost over half of their pieces, but lucky all four of them were fine. "...It's the only way...Okay. I'm going to give myself up..." Ron started but was stopped by shouts from his friends.

"No Ron!" Emily and Harry shouted.

"They're must be another way!" Hermione all but screamed.

"Look, it's not me or you can stop Snape or Quirrell or You-know-who, it's Harry and Emily. If I give myself up, Harry can checkmate the king...Knight to E5" Ron said walking forwards and closing his eyes, waiting for the black queen to hit him out. Both Emily and Hermione screamed as Ron fell to the ground unconscious and Harry quickly checkmated the king so they could see if he was alright. They were glad to see there was little blood and he was still breathing fine, but they were still worried. "Go you two, I'll get Ron to the Hospital wing and try to get a message to Dumbledore or something. Just be careful!" Hermione said, tears glittering her eyes and pulling them into a hug. The twin's just half smiled back standing and walked through the next door, containing a knocked out Troll. Going through the last door they found Professor standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, muttering to himself. Once he noticed the two he quickly bound them with ropes. "You two are too nosey to live. Maybe if you hadn't decided to play detective you might've got out of Hogwarts alive this year." Quirrell sneered, turning back to the mirror. (A/N – yeah I know I'm changing the whole on the way to the stone and Quirrell bit slightly, but I don't have the first book with me at the moment.)

"I see myself with the stone, presenting it to my master...but how do I get it?" Quirrell mumbled.

"Use the boy..." a low sort of wheezy voice ordered. (I hope you know what I mean, I'm basing the voice on the first movie but I've no idea how to describe it!)

Quirrell unbound the pair, as he repeated the voice's order. Harry slowly walked forward, finding himself in front of the mirror. He saw himself with the stone, putting it in his pocket, and sure enough he found his pocket a bit heavier, a small lump slightly noticeable. "Tell me boy, what do you see?" Quirrell demanded, not caring that Emily had moved up behind Harry.

"I see myself with the Quidditch Cup, shaking hands with Dumbledore..." Harry replied, still keeping his eyes on the mirror.

"Lies..." the mysterious voice said again. "Let me speak to him...them..."

"Master you are not strong enough" Quirrell argued weakly.

"I am strong enough for this..." Quirrell turned and began taking off his turban, ignoring the puzzled looking children behind him. As the turban came off Emily gasped quietly and grabbed Harry's arm as she saw a face on the back of the Professors head, knowing that this was Voldemort, up close and alive.

"Harry and Emily Potter...we meet again...see what I've become... See what I have to do to survive... Live off another...a mere parasite...unicorn blood can sustain me but it doesn't give me a body of my own...But there is something that can...something that right now lies in your pocket..." Voldemort said slowly. Emily and Harry both began to run and Voldemort added, "Stop them!" Quirrell simply clicked his fingers, covering all entrances with flames, a small box, trapping them. "Don't be a fool...why suffer death when you can join me and live?"

"Never!" Emily screamed, making Voldemort laugh.

"Bravery...you're parents had it too...tell me, Emily...Harry...do you wish to see your parents again...Together, we can bring them back...all I ask is for something in return..." Emily's face softened at this, aching to meet her parents, forgetting momentarily that this would start the end of the wizarding world as they knew it. Harry began to pull out the stone from his pocket, staring at it as if it would tell him what the right thing to do was. "That's it Harry...there is no good or evil. There's only power and those too weak to seek it...together we'll do extraordinary things...just give me the stone!"

"You liar!" Harry shouted, shoving the stone back into his pocket.

"Kill them!" Voldemort ordered, and Quirrell advanced on them, seizing Harry by the throat and pinning him to the ground. Emily instantly began to grab Quirrell's hands to get him to lose his grip and his hands began to burn. He managed to shove Emily away hard, making her hit her head hard and fall unconscious. Starring at his hands turn to rubble Quirrell panicked, "What is this magic?"

"Fool! Get the stone!" Voldemort shouted. Harry, outraged that he hurt his sister lunged for Quirrell's face and it too started to turn to rubble, and within a matter of minutes he was no more and Harry passed out.

When Harry woke up, he saw what looked like the golden snitch in front of him. That's odd, he thought. Then he realised he didn't have his glasses on, so he sat up and reach out for them, finally finding them. Putting them on he saw Professor Dumbledore sitting on the edge of his bed. "Sir! Ron, and the stone, and Emily..." Harry started trying to get out of bed but Dumbledore cut in.

"Mr Weasley is fine, as is your sister who is to your left. As for the stone, it is gone."

(A/N – Sorry last one guys I swear! You all know what happens here and I'm too lazy to type it all out. MY apologises)

Once Emily had woken up, Harry filled her in on everything Dumbledore had told him and they sat enjoying their sweets from their friends. Ron and Hermione came up regularly and even Hagrid came to see them, presenting them with a scrapbook he had made for them, with pictures of their parents, and some of them as babies. Madam Pomfrey eventually let them out for the last feast before they went home, which they were glad for. Dumbledore announced the House point's scores and Gryffindor couldn't help but feel low at the news that they were last. But then Dumbledore awarded 50 points each to both Ron and Hermione and 60 points each to Harry and Emily. "We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione muttered down the table, Harry and Ron feeling happier as this prospect.

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to you enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. So lastly, to Mr Neville Longbottom, I award Gryffindor 10 points. So if my calculations are correct, a change of decoration is in order!" Dumbledore said happily as Gryffindor erupted in cheering and shouting. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs politely applauded while everyone at the Slytherin table, except Emily, Alice and Astoria who were clapping and cheering enthusiastically, looked very sour and moody. "Now, I'm sure many of you still have much packing to do and want to have a sleep before the train leaves at 9 tomorrow morning so I bid you all a goodnight." Emily, Alice and Astoria made their way to their dormitory, not bother to talk to anyone else. They had already established that they were meeting Harry, Ron and Hermione outside the Great Hall at half past 8 the next day so they could sit together on the train. The three packed in near silence, too tired to engage in conversation and not minding the unawkward silence. After nearly three hours, they had everything packed and had collapsed on their beds fast asleep in seconds.

"Come on! It's five to; we don't want to miss it!" Hermione exclaimed trying to hurry her friends up.

"Hermione, we're seconds away from the train. Calm down." Alice laughed. Once they were on the train they managed to find an empty compartment near the back of the train, so they sat and got comfy.

"I'm still coming with you right Harry?" Emily asked, beginning to panic slightly as she had done when she was first moving in with him.

"Of course Ems, they're your family too" Harry smiled brightly.

"It's weird going home isn't it?" Astoria said, as they all tried to wave at Hagrid and Hogwarts as the train began to depart from the station.

"We're not going home" Harry replied staring at the castle, knowing Emily was doing the same. Emily just smiled slightly and added, "Not really."

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