i see that Natsu and a few others are looking at me when realization hit. I have no where to stay! Wendy must have seen my face and walked over. "whats wrong? you look worried and sad." i explained to her my situation. "you know you can stay ay my place. you just needed to ask.''

that made me really happy to know that there was still some people who cared about me. when i felt a warm hand on my shoulder. i looked at the owner and saw that it was Igneel. "hey, Wendy do you mind if my friend stays with us." she shook her head. "you know the saying the more the merryer" (i dont care if it is spelled wrong).

time skip - Wendy's place

we were sitting around the table chatting when the question i did not want to answer yet came up. "hey Lucy where were you for the past two years?" *sigh* "well let me tell you who this is first Wendy then we will head to the woods to explain.this in not a friend but in a way my uncle, his name is.....(should i tell her yes i should.) his name is Igneel." Wendy just sat there dumbstruck.

"come on lets go for a walk in the woods now." /in the woods/ '' ok i think we are far enough someone won't see or hear our converation." i turned into a dragon with a bright flash of light. when the light was gone she just stood there dumbfounded. i chuckled which sounded like a deep gurgle in my throat. "dont worry Wendy it is still me." ten minutes later she snapped out of her trance like state.

then she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug EVER. off in the distance i heard some twigs cracking and immedientally changed back to my human form. i quickly set up a fire and pulled up two logs. "Wendy sit on that log, someone is coming and i wanna make it look like we are just hanging out, k?"

she nodded in agreement. i started laughing because the figure came closer.Wendy cought on and started laughing too. when the steps get close enough i can tell who it is. when the figure isteps out of the trees and into the clearing i pick up a stick light it on fire and throw it at him.

he catches it with ease and eats the flame. he walks over to us and sits on the ground. "hey," Natsu says. i could tell he was thinking hard about something i just dont know what. "sooooooo, whatch ya thinking about?" he looks up at me like i can read minds.(which i can thanks to mind magic) "Who are you?" i couldn't help but giggle.

He looks at me like i just killed Happy. "its for me and Wendy to know and you to find out." i said while smiling. that made him go into deeper thought and i could have sworn i saw smoke coming out of his ears. Me and Wendy just burst out laughing at the sight.

eventually he got fustrated at us laughing at him so he got up and left. but while he was leaving i heard him mumble 'i know i have smelled those two before.' "you just need to rember how we first met." i yelled at him as soon as he stepped into the trees. 

''Alright Wendy it's getting pretty late lets head home." then a question popped into my head "hey Wendy where is Carla? havent seen her for a while." for a second she looked confused then she stated "while you were gone she and Happy started going out and got there own place together."

Natsu POV

i start to head home after being laughted at by the two girls when i realised the male hooded one was scilent the entire time like he did not want me to hear him. i mumbled 'i know i have smelled those two before' when the femail hooded one yelled "you just need to rember how we first met.''

that voice so fimilar but i just can't pin point it. i take a deep breath and continue walking home. mabie Happy will at least give me a hint.  then i rembered that he got his own place with Carla and are probally asleep now.

i couldn't help but growl at the situation i am in right now. just who are those two people. i walked like that for a while when i saw i was at my house. i walked in and went to bed.

Wendy POV

me and Lucy started walking back to my place. when i saw a little flash of blue and white in the corner of my eye. "huh" i turned to look in the direction i saw it but it was gone. i guess i must have stopped walking "hey Wendy whats wrong?" i heard Lucy ask me. i turned and said "oh nothing i just thought i saw something."

we continued on our way but i kept thinking about the blue and white i saw. when we reached my place we walked in and Lucy got a cup of milk. "hey you want one? i can put honey in it for you to help you sleep." i shook my head no i was really tired and didn't need it to help me.

i went to bed but before i fell asleep i saw the blue and white again and let the dreamland take me. when i woke up i looked around and saw Happy and Carla sleeping on one of the spare pillows i kept in here.

i smiled and tip-toed to the kitchen so i wouldn't wake them up. i got to the kitchen and fixed some eggs and bacon.  when i was done i heard some one walk in so i turned to see Lucy. she smiled and then asked "you can cook?" i smiled and said "since it is just me now i tought myself how to cook."

she sat down and i grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. i poured two cups and gave one to her which she gladly accepted. we sat there in scilence eating when there was a knock on the door. "coming" i said while getting up.

i walked to the front door and saw Mira there. "can i come in?" "sure why not we were just eating." she walked in when the two excedes (sorry if mis spelled) walked in. i closed the door behind Mira and took my seat at the table.

i was glad i kept the extra chairs for if i had company. Mira pulled a basket out of some where and inside was even more breakfast. i guess that was a good thing since there are so many of us here now.

when all the food was out i saw Igneel walk out without his cloak on. he was so cool looking. (if you dont rember) he has red hair with tints of orange here and there. he was also wearing a red shirt, with jeans, and had red eyes. i noticed i did not have enough chairs and sighed.

Lucy, Abandoned (fairy tail soul eater fan-fic )Where stories live. Discover now