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"Of Course this Life Isn't Meant For Everyone, But You have To Get it How You Live."

I grab 2 margaritas out of the fridge and head back in to the party. I always thought that College parties were overated, but how wrong was I. I squeeze between a couple kissing, but they don't look bothered by me passing between them. The small apartment was decked out with people and small decorations. People were dancing, singing, kissing.. drinking....smoking. This was the college life. Going to parties...Staying up all night ....then Class in the morning, and I Was now apart of it.

"You going to hand Me My rita or sit there and Stare and Look Pretty? " I Hear my Friend Bethani Ask. She was Yelling Cause the Music was Extremely loud. I hand her the drink and continued to skim the Party. Beth and I Were Inserperable. We've been friends since we both started school and have always had each others back. I could count on her for anything, especially since we'd known each other forever.

This party was sort of boring. I have nobody to talk to and I was tsleepy(Tipsy/Sleepy). The dj played Good Form By Nicki Minaj. I Hear beth yell on the side of me "OHH BITCH THIS OUR SHIT!!!"
I already knew what that meant. I look around the party one last time before I bent Over. Every female and even some males started to bend over and twerk. I bent over, hands on my knees, and started to twerk on beth. I wasn't the thickess but I could Shake what I Had.

The song ended as Soon as It had started. I was exhausted. I finished The rita in my hand in a couple of gulps. There was no trashcan no where near where I was standing. "Take this to the trash with ya!" beth says finishing her can and tossing it in my hand. "I hate you bitch!" i say rolling my eyes.
I make my way across the room towards the Trashcan. Then I hear it. Gunshots. I drop to the floor covering my head trying to make out where the shots were fired from. "BETH!" I yell. "BETH!.....BETHANII!"
Everyone was storming out of the upstairs apartment. I Was scared. The Apartment was empty and I was still looking around for Beth.

I made my way down the steps. I was shaking. Shaking like a leaf on a tree. Shooken up by events I never would of thought would happen. I try to pull out my phone but Sounds of Sirens were coming from all directions except for behind me. I made my way through the breezeway, trails, and Passages. Until I found somewhere safe to collect myself. I pull out my phone and Call Bethanii. She doesnt Answer. I Send several Text



She Never returned none of my text. I couldn't get her off my mind. I'd be lost without Beth. Shes gotten me through so much. I have a seat on one of the benches in the Campus's playgrounds. Tears flooded my eyes. "Was she gone? ..i shouldn't of left. We would be together if I Would of just waited a little while longer." These same thoughts constantly going through my mind. I tried calling one last time. The phone rung fewer times then before. Her sweet voice Came through. "Hello!! Tez. Are you okay ?" she asked. "Yeah im okay ..are you good and where are you?" I ask sniffling. "Im okay. I fell down a couple steps ..but im okay. Im back at your apartment." she says. "Be there in 10" I say.

I speed down the narrow sidewalks and passageways Towards my  Apartment. When I arrived I grabbed the Key from under the Mat and unlocked the door. "Beth! Beth! Are you okay?" I slam it shut and sit down next to her on the couch. "I'm fine it's Just a little knot! , but anyways where the niggas at?" "You just Fell down some steps Beth, And your worried about some dudes... you know what I'm done with you ... Take your ass To bed!" I say.

I hear rattling in the kitchen. "naw don't try to run now. I caught you. I told you to be in bed by 9:30pm ... it's 1:00a.m MJ." I say. Mj and I Have Been through a lot. We'Ve dealt with our parents death, rejection from family members, and being homeless. He stands In he middle of the kitchen Looking down. Mj (Martez Jackson) is 12 now, and he's growing Up and it's so hard To keep him from being in the streets and Getting into too much trouble. "I was Worried about you big bro, your never out that late." He says. I Kneeled down to his level. "I'm sorry I had you worried, but I just went out to have a little Fun cause work has been stressing me out lately." I say.

I try not to make it so hard On Him. He's already dealing with the death of our parents due to a car wreck. So I try to spend as much time with him as possible and have him worry less. "Go get in bed now . And umm.. watch some tv till you fall asleep...alright?" I say. He nods His Head, hugs me and head off to his room. I have A seat on the couch and start to think of the events that happened tonight. Every once in a while I would Stare at Beth to make sure she was breathing while she was sleeping on the couch. It was so relieving to know that she didn't die and that she was still with me.

I didn't Feel like Going to my room,!so I layed on the couch opposite of Beth. The only thing that rang through my head the entire night was The sound of the gunshots.

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