Chapter 1

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I glance at my alarm clock, it's 4 o'clock AM. I haven't slept all night, I can't, there's too many thoughts in my head. 

My name is Kat. I'm 16 years old. I live in a small town in North Carolina. Yesterday afternoon, about 2 o'clock pm, a news alert showed up on the TV. I remember I couldn't believe what I had seen. The screen showed a news reporter and in the background was Manhattan. The sun was covered by a massive alien spacecraft, the Anubis I believe is what they called it. I remember watching a middle aged looking man emerge from it when the cockpit doors opened. 

He said his name was Setrakuras Ra and that he was part of the Mogadorian race. They had come to make peace with us, to offer help with technology. I remember watching two boys in hoodies get onto the stage where he was. They attacked him and I realized immediately who it was, John Smith. But that was where all hell broke out.

Setrakuras shed his human appearance, and morphed into a huge petrifying version of himself with large, jagged, razor sharp teeth, dead black eyes, pale white skin, thick black tattoos that ran through his scalp, and an enormous purple scar that wrapped around his neck. 

He demolished Manhattan, leaving it a fiery ruin of it's former glory. As I had watched this happen on the broadcast, I sat and prayed to God. I prayed for my family, for the people in Manhattan, for my friends, for John Smith and anyone who was with him, and for myself. In that moment I had done something that left me in a puddle of my own confusion. I had unclasped my hands and opened my eyes to find everything in close proximity to me floating in midair. When I saw it, I screamed and everything came crashing to the floor. I moved into the corner of my room and stared petrified at my hands. 

What the heck just happened!, I had thought. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a shoe. I glanced at it then looked back at my hands, maybe I could do it again. I sat on my knees and moved a bit closer to the shoe, lifting up my right arm and extending my hand towards it. I closed my eyes and imagined the shoe floating up. When I opened my eyes, I found myself staring at a floating shoe. I moved my hand to the right a bit and the shoe followed my movement. I couldn't help but crack a smile. I heard a gasp to my right and darted my head toward the noise. 

Standing in the door way of my room had been my Mom, Dad, and sister. They were starring at me with expressions of both terror and concern. My mom had been covering her mouth with her hands, I could tell she was holding back tears. In that moment I had lost all concentration and had let the shoe fall to the floor. I remember the feeling of fear that rose over me. I had backed into the corner even more, trying to make myself small. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I had waited for the screams, for the yelled, for the pain. But none of that came.

Instead, my mother had rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace. Right behind her had been my sister and my dad. 

"My little baby," my mom had mumble through sobs.

I shake off this memory and decide to try and get some sleep. I close my eyes, and try to clear my mind. When I open them, I'm no longer in my room. I'm outside standing in front of the entrance to the woods next to my neighborhood. It's no longer night either, in fact, it looks like the middle of the day. I look around me, trying to see if there is anyone around. 

Suddenly, I hear movement from in front of me, toward the entrance. I move a little closer to it and spot a figure coming into view. When it gets close enough I'm able to make out some features. It's a man. He looks to be around the age of 38, yet he is pretty tall. He has a stubbly beard and brown hair. However the feature about him that shows the most is his eyes. They glow a warm blue and the energy they give off spills out of the corners of his eyes. As he walks closer, he leaves a trail of the energy behind him that soon dissipates into thin air.

When he is about three feet in front of me, he stops. I try to ask, Who are you?, but when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. The man must notice me try to speak.

"My name is Henri," he has a slight french accent, or some sort of accent. When he speaks it's as if thousands of other voices speak in unison with his.

"Come," he continues raising his left arm, urging me to take it,"we don't have much time. There's something I need to show you."

I take a step back. There's a part of me that doesn't trust this guy. For one thing, I don't even know who he is. How do I know he's not with the Mogs. But, a bigger part of me wants to trust him. I need answers, about whats happening to me, about the invasion, maybe...maybe this is Gods way of giving me those answers.

I break away from my thoughts. If I want answers, then I have to trust him. I walk to him and take his outstretched hand. He smiles, then turns and leads me deeper into the forest. Once we are about 30 feet in, he pauses and looks down. I follow his gaze to find a pile of leaves on the ground. My eyes are immediately drawn to something blue sparkling underneath the pile.

Henri bends down and removes the leaves, revealing a blue crystal about the size of a small tree stump. It gives off a warm glow that I'm suddenly drawn to. It's like its's calling me. I'm mesmerized. My hypnotic stage is only broken when Henri puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him, a curious look of wonder on my face. He smiles.

"The Lorein call it Lorilite,"he says in a calm voice,"there's hundreds of them begging to grow throughout the earth...", he's suddenly interrupted by a faint ringing somewhere off in the distance. He looks up with a sigh.

"The moment is over," he says. I look up and watch as the blue sky is overtaken by a blinding white light. It begins to surround us, consuming everything in sight. Henri puts both his hands on my shoulders.

"Kat you must find this stone," he says in a frantic but calm voice. The blue energy is flowing uncontrollably out of his eyes.

"Find John,"he continues,"he needs you, they all need you,"and with that we are both consumed in the light.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading part one of Chapter one of my story. Part 2 will be coming out soon. I hope you enjoyed reading and let me know what you think. Have a wonderful day, and wear your seat belts! :) 

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