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Anyone who knows me knows about my obsession with Les Misérables. In my opinion, it's the best musical of all time. Sometimes I wish I could be a part of it. Obviously, I don't mean the actual revolution, I'm not naive. But at least they had something to fight for. I'm about to turn 18 and sometimes it seems like I have nothing to believe in. All I know is that my life is boring and has no purpose. Will it ever have a purpose?

"Happy birthday (Y/N)!"
Finally, the day has come, I'm 18. Officially an adult. Although I don't have a big party, my close friends are there with me. Even though I don't have many, my friends are extremely important to me. Of course, my family are there too, I love my family dearly and care about them more than anything. Still, it feels as though something is missing. Everyone sings the usual out of tune version of 'Happy birthday' and I presented with a delicious chocolate cake.
"Make a wish"
Closing my eyes, I know exactly what I'm wishing for...
I wish I had something to fight for.

Suddenly everything goes black followed by a blinding light. When the world finally comes back into view I realise that I'm not in my living room anymore. In fact, I appear to be lying in the middle of a ditch. This is all very odd, even though I can't recall being here, it seems eerily familiar. Wait...could it be? Am I in Les Mis?

Vive La France (Enjolras x reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن