"Plans for tonight?" Marc asked, half-teasing. That was another thing he would have never dared to do if Nathaniel had been there. Marinette laughed.

"I wish," she admitted. "What are the chances a guy and girl'll end up with their sleeping bags next to each other out of almost 50 people? What about you? Don't you have certain hopes for this trip?"

Marc chuckled too.

"Well, I mean, you know," he said, flushing slightly. "Probably not gonna happen, but uh, I have some hopeful dreams," he shrugged vaguely. Marinette grinned at him impishly.

"Still more hope than me," she said, studying the trip itinerary. Marc gaped at her for a subtle moment.

"How would you know what I wanted to do?" he challenged, only slightly wary.

"Mm..." was all she gave in response, not at all helping his nerves.

Was he that obvious? Marc shrank in on himself, feeling suddenly anxious. Marinette glanced at him and looked up.

"Relax, I'm just playing with you," she assured him. He looked at her with uncertainty, and she smiled reassuringly.

"Whatever you say..." Marc mumbled under his breath, before his attention was diverted by the list of things that had to be done before tonight.


"Dude! You should have seen his face! It was freaking hilarious!" Alix told the group that had gathered around the campfire. Nathaniel sat next to her, nodding along amusedly while clearly attempting not laugh.

"What happened?" Marc asked, taking a seat next to Nathaniel and trying to act casual.

"Kim- I don't even know what he was doing- he ended up in the lake somehow and good thing Ondine was there with Lila- Ondine had to literally go in and get Kim out," Nathaniel explained, smirking slightly.

"But I thought Kim was a swimmer?" Marc asked in confusion.

"I know!" Alix said. "Apparently Max was using Markov to take a sample of lakewater for some test, I think Kim wanted to know if it was safe to swim in, but then it fell in and Kim tried to save it?" she finished with a laugh.

"Okay, in my defense, Max designed that piece of equipment himself! Who knows how much it was worth?" Kim countered, arriving at the site with a towel around his neck, shirt open.

"Did you figure out if it was safe to swim in or not?" Nathaniel smirked in spite of himself. Marc didn't remember Nath being this energetic or confident before.

Kim glared at him.

"I did, actually. Ondine and I are going to have a race tomorrow after breakfast," he informed them.

"That's great, Kim!" Marinette told him encouragingly, sitting down next to Marc so he was squished slightly against Nathaniel. He flushed.

Adrien arrived after that, Alya quickly convincing him to sit beside Marinette, and Marc was squeezed even closer against Nathaniel. He squirmed slightly, shrinking in on himself, until Nathaniel noticed and moved slightly over on his own side to give him more space. Marc wasn't sure if he was thankful or disappointed at the gesture. At least he still had his comfort in personal space, he supposed.

"Kay, guys," Kim said, once the whole class plus some others had gathered around a recently lit fire. "Let's play truth or dare."

He was met with general discordance, and groaned.

"Come on, you guys are no fun," he complained. "What do you wanna do, then? Play hot potato and sing songs around the fire? What are we, six?"

"That sounds like a great idea!" Alya said brightly, much to Kim's chagrin, and they began a half-hearted chorus of Smelly Wolf and 99 Bottles. They were on bottle 69 when some immature boys started smirking, and the singing ended rather soon after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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