"Oh, you caught that..." He said.

"Yeah." Nathan said with a smile. "I'm glad it's her."

James just nodded, smiling.

"I'm happy you're finally happy." Nathan said this time.

"Thank you." James said, shaking his head in disbelief.

A few months ago he didn't even think he'd have what he have now. That he'd feel what he is feeling right then. He was sure Nathan thought the same.


James just went home to change to appropriate clothes then went to his childhood home. The party will be held there as it was the company's foundation anniversary. Dennis is the chief officer now, and was in charge of most of the operations, but their dad was still the chief director and the biggest shareholder.

So even if Dennis would want to exclude James, he wouldn't be able to since their dad was fond of him. His dad actually had invited Nathan, too, knowing how close he and his son was but Nathan declined, having never been fond of formal parties.


When Nadine arrived at the venue, her eyes immediately looked for James.

She found him at once, at the side of his dad. He wasn't smiling, but he looked so handsome. And it made her smile to realize they were unintentionally matching. They didn't really talk about what they were wearing for tonight, but she had randomly picked a purple dress and James is wearing a suit in the shade of purple, too.

 They didn't really talk about what they were wearing for tonight, but she had randomly picked a purple dress and James is wearing a suit in the shade of purple, too

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Their eyes met and she saw acknowledgement in James's. His face softened as if he wanted to smile. His eyes looked at her from head to toe and then found her eyes again, looking at her tenderly and now really smiling a little. She could read what the look said.

He found her beautiful.

She wanted to go to him but knew she couldn't, so she just gave him a small, subtle smile and settled on her table with her mother and unfortunately, Carlos who her mother had invited herself.

The party went on. People came over James and Rhylan, his dad for small talks and the same went on with Nadine, Zenaida and Dennis. The two didn't acknowledge each other again, although they sneak a glance at each other every now and then.

Nadine was sure Carlos already had a few drinks when he suddenly put an arm around her shoulder quite possessively as they stood by their table. Zenaida and Dennis had gone to talk to some important people and had left them alone.

"Carlos." She warned.

"Yeah, Nadine?" He said with a grin, leaning forwards her a little too close for Nadine's liking.

"You reek of alcohol. Can you please--" Before she could even say anything more, Carlos had moved away from her--had been moved away from her, she realized.

James had bumped into him, quite with force.

"Sorry." James said in a tone of calm, his face free of expression but his eyes looked murderous.

Carlos looked angry and a little disoriented and Nadine was scared that a fight would ensue. She had unconsciously sought James's hand and James turned to her. He saw her panicked face and suddenly all the anger left him. He felt guilty that he made her feel scared. He squeezed her hand in apology and quickly left before Carlos could even say anything.

When he was gone, Nadine glared at Carlos and left him without saying anything. Carlos tried going after her but she went straight to the lady's room.

Nadine sighed in relief as she was finally away from everyone's watching eyes.The tension left her body and she found herself sitting on the floor of the bathroom.

Suddenly, the door opened and Nadine's heart jumped. But it was only her bodyguard, Dianne.

Dianne looked very worried as she crouched down besides her. "Are you okay ma'am?" She asked, looking her over.

"Just call me Nadine." Nadine said automatically. She'd told Dianne this a hundred times Nadine thought it might as well just be their greeting to each other now.

She had had Dianne as her bodyguard for about a month now and she was actually a breath of fresh air as she was almost the same age as Nadine (in contrast with her previous bodyguards who were all old grumpy men) and she was not overbearing nor hovering. She just watches her from afar most of the time or else actually talk with her when they're together.

"Sorry." Dianne said. "Are you okay, though? Sir Carlos already walked out. And Sir James went back to his father." She told him.

Nadine looked at her, surprised. But then, it was in her job description to watch her. Of course she saw.

"Did you know..?" She asked her.

Dianne looked guilty, but didn't say anything.

"About James." Nadine clarified.

"Yes." Dianne said.

"How long?"

"Just this day." Dianne said. "I saw him drop you off." She told her honestly.

"Does mom know?" Nadine asked this time.

"No. Of course not." Dianne said quickly. "I wouldn't do that to you, Nadz. I can see how happy you are lately. I wouldn't want that to change."

"You're risking your job." Nadine pointed out.

Dianne shook her head. "I can find a job again. I think what you've found is something irreplaceable."

There was a pause as Nadine looked at Dianne. And then she said,

"Thank you."


TBC hopefully later or tomorrow. sorry duty.

- who do you want to cast as Carlos? lol
- Dianne:

(ps. idk pa if i'll make Dianne and Nathan interact. lol. would you want me to? 🤣)

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